Page 32 of Snaring Emberly
“Come any closer,” I scream, “And I’ll fucking jump!”
Hours later, I drift back into awareness. My mind is mostly alert before the wake-up call, but it never sounds. My body floats on a bed of clouds more comfortable than the mattress Officer McMurphy snuck into my cell. It takes me a moment to remember that I’m no longer in prison, and I fall back into a light sleep.
Instead of dreams, my mind dredges up the recent memory of pounding into Emberly Kay. Only we’re not on a bed, we’re fucking through the night sky. I’m riding her through golden stars toward the moon in a spray of peacock feathers. She bucks against me, her sweet pussy squeezing the life out of my cock.
A trio of heavy knocks jerk me awake.
I sit bolt upright, my heart pounding. “Who’s there?”
The door swings open and Benito steps in, his face flushed.
“What is it?” I ask.
“There’s three squad cars outside the gates and a detective with a warrant out for the arrest of Emberly Kay.”
I run my fingers through my hair. “Tell them she isn’t here.”
His nostrils flare. “That’s going to be difficult, seeing as she’s just smashed her way through the balcony door and is standing on the rail.”
My jaw drops. “What?”
It takes me a heartbeat to remember that the tower is around the back and out of sight from the gates.
“She’s screaming at the top of her lungs, bleeding DNA everywhere, and threatening to jump.”
In the blink of an eye, my mind goes from half asleep to fully alert. The thought of hundreds of millions of dollars jumping off the balcony is the punch in the balls I need to launch myself across the room and grab my little brother by the lapels.
“What do you mean, she’s threatening to jump?” I growl.
Benito grips my fists and scowls. “Exactly what I said. You left her naked and unshackled. Now, she’s made a shank out of a pane of glass and has wrapped herself up like a mummy.”
“Where is she?”
“Still on the ledge where I left her.” Benito shoves me back with a surprising amount of strength.
There’s no time to be impressed by his newfound fighting prowess. I need to get to Emberly before she does something stupid, like kill herself before signing over her inheritance.
I race down the hallway, passing a shrieking Sofia, who presses herself against the wall. As I round the corner to enter the tower door, I catch a glimpse of Benito jogging after me, holding a doctor’s bag.
It takes mere seconds to reach the top of the stairs, yet I’m already sweating by the time I turn the key in the door.
I burst through the room to find Emberly balancing on the ledge, wearing a pair of torn sheets like a bikini. Blood pours from the hand holding a knife-sized shard of glass. Her curls stand up at all angles, reminding me of a modern-day Medusa. When she glares at me over her shoulder and snarls, my hopes of reasoning with her turn to stone.
“Stay the fuck back or I’ll jump!” she shrieks.
I raise both palms in surrender, trying to appear non-threatening.
Her wild eyes rove over the tattoos on my chest, and she gulps.
“Emberly, what’s this about?”
“What’s this about?” She asks with a hysterical giggle. “You’re the one who locked me in a room. You tell me.”
My jaw clenches. “I didn’t?—”