Page 173 of Snaring Emberly
At this time of the morning, tiny slivers of sunlight stream in through the curtains, casting a golden sheen across the contours of Roman’s face. My stomach flips at the intensity in his dark eyes. I've never seen him look so serious.
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to hint anything. It was just a funny dream, and?—”
“But would you?” he asks, his voice rough.
My brows pull together. It’s on the tip of my tongue to say yes, but bitter experience has taught me not to get carried away by the first flush of love. No matter how perfect Roman might be for me, we need to take this slow.
“Why are you bringing up something as serious as marriage?” I ask. “We’ve barely known each other for a month.”
He flashes me a smile that feels more like a grimace. “The question was hypothetical.”
I flop down on the mattress and close my eyes. Of course. It was probably just a slip of the tongue, like the first time I declared my love. Roman just got caught up in his emotions. It’s no big deal.
Keeping my voice measured, I say, “That’s the sort of hypothetical question I’d like to consider in about a year’s time.”
“You’re right,” he says, his voice softening. “I got carried away.”
He slides his fingers between my ass cheeks, which tighten around something thick and rubbery. All thoughts of dreams and marriages and hypothetical proposals vanish.
My eyes snap open. “Why do I still have a huge toy in my ass?”
He smiles, flashing perfect white teeth. “I wanted to make it easy when I claim your virgin hole.”
Heat blooms across my cheeks, and warmth spreads down my chest and settles between my legs. Any awkwardness between us is gone, replaced by our usual playfulness.
“Excuse me?”
Roman holds me by the waist and squeezes my ass, making me squirm in his grip. “You’re going to let me stick my cock in your tight little ass.”
I reach between our bodies and wrap my fingers around his shaft. “But you’re too big.”
Roman groans. “If you can take the plug, you can take my cock.”
Electricity skitters down my spine, lighting up every nerve ending before reaching my clit. Roman tilts up my head and peppers soft kisses on my neck. This is what I adore about our relationship. He doesn’t just push my limits. He makes everything so tantalizing and erotic that I'm left breathless.
“Last night, you fucked my fingers while still begging for more,” he growls against my skin. “Now, that greedy ass of yours is ready for my cock.”
My pussy clenches, as do the muscles of my anus. I bite my lip, trying to slow down my breath. Roman’s fingers slide between my legs and rub my clit until it aches.
Squeezing his cock, I rub the pad of my thumb over his slit that elicits a moan deep and rumbly enough to reach the marrow of my bones.
“Alright,” I whisper, “But if it hurts?—”
“Then you’ll tell me to stop,” he says.
Roman rolls me off his chest, so I’m lying face-down on the mattress. I turn my head toward his side of the bed and watch him reach for the black box.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“Lubing myself up.” He pulls out a tube.
“Don’t forget the condom.”
Roman hesitates for a second before reaching back into the box and pulling out a foil wrapper. As he rips it open, I hold out my hand.
“Let me do it.”