Page 69 of Faking It with a Single Dad
I will the car to go faster as we race towards the clinic in the middle of town. Ruby’s condition deteriorates rapidly, her gasps turning into wheezes as she struggles to draw breath. Panic seizes me like a vice; the world around me fades into a blur of people and stores as we hurtle to the clinic.
Finally, we arrive at the hospital, the screech of tires echoing in the still parking lot as I skid to a stop. When I get out of the car, the sun warms my skin. I'm sweating, but it's more from fear than heat. With quivering hands, I unbuckle Ruby from her seat, lifting her into my arms as I run to the entrance.
“Help! I need help!” I cry out, my voice choked with fear as I run through the clinic’s hallway toward Dr. Fredson’s office. “Dr. Fredson!”
Nurses swarm us, and one of them collects Ruby’s small gasping frame from me. I see Dr. Fredson, with his full gray hair, approaching from the hallway. I clutch my dress, helpless and scared. My eyes follow them all as they start to wheel Ruby to another room.
As I stand there, the hallway begins to spin. I feel the wave of nausea from last night settle on me again. The edges of my vision grow dark as dizziness afflicts me. With a gasp, I stumble backward, the ground rushing to meet me as I start to collapse.
“Somebody, help—”
The last thing I feel is the cold tile floor against my cheek.
Flashes of Deanna and I playing. Mom is watching me with hatred as I play with Deanna’s toys. Tristan’s face appears. What is he doing here? Deanna’s face is suddenly older, accusing me of stealing her husband like I stole her toys. She attacks me, and just as I raise my arm to defend myself. The ground opens up and—
My eyes flutter open, my dream fading away like an illuminated shadow, and Dr. Fredson’s face is right there. The stark walls of the hospital room loom around me, and the sterile scent of antiseptic fills the air as I sink deeper into the bed.
I look down, and my bare toes stare at me. My black dress is gone, replaced with a hospital dress. I look back at Dr. Fredson’s old, handsome face. He has a smile on his face like he can’t wait to give me good news.
“What am I doing here?” I shake my head, trying to remove the cloud of confusion in it. Then, I remember. “Where’s Ruby?!” I sit up too quickly and get whiplash.
Dr. Fredson put a hand on my shoulder. “She’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“She is?” I crack a small smile. I feel tired. Why do I feel tired? Did I faint? I must’ve fainted.
He nods, then scoots his chair closer. “While you were out, we ran some tests on you, Erin, and—”
“I’m sick?” I tilt my head.
Dr. Fredson’s brows furrow.
“I’ve been feeling sick the past few days,” I explain, twiddling my thumbs.
“Oh, oh,” his frown disappears. “Well, you’re not sick, Erin.” He smiles. “You’re pregnant.”
“I’m what?” I'm shocked, like I’ve been hit by lightning. “What?”
Dr. Fredson's smile disappears as he sees I’m not taking the news as well as he expects. “Uh, you’re expecting, Erin. Your bloodwork shows you’ve been pregnant for over two months. Didn’t you miss your period?”
I pale as I think it through. I can’t remember missing my period. Then again, my periods have always been irregular. I sink my face into my hands, unable to believe what I hear.
“Two months?”
The one-night stand at the masquerade party. Shit, we've been having unprotected sex throughout.
I suddenly regret all the fill-me-ups and come-in-mes I used to moan.
“Yeah, close to three months, to be specific.” Dr. Fredson looks uncomfortable.
“I’m pregnant?” I repeat the words, murmuring under my breath.
Dr. Fredson stands up. “Let me give you some time to process this, okay, Erin?” He stops at the door to look back at me. “I’ll be back, okay?”
I suddenly thought, “Could you keep this between us? I want to tell my parents myself.”