Page 93 of Queen of Misfortune (Shadows of Redemption)
“Maria, come help,” I command. I don’t want to give this guy any opportunity to overpower me and take the gun. “Use two or three so he can’t break free.” Maria and Aria secure his hands while I hold the gun in front of his face.
Once he’s restrained, we force him into his car and I strap him in the seat belt, making it harder for him to move.
It occurs to me that with cameras everywhere, police should be arriving soon. I’m not sure whether that would be problematic. It could help Elena get the care she needs. But then I decide that it will prevent me from finding out what’s going on with Donovan and Niko.
"Is the SUV still drivable?" I ask Aria, watching Elena clutch at her side.
"Let me check." Aria slips into the driver's seat. She’s surprisingly calm for a woman whom Niko has sheltered for so long. The engine coughs then comes alive. She puts it in gear and backs away from the traffic light. "Yes, it'll move."
"Take Elena to the hospital. Maria will help you.”
“What are you going to do?” Aria asks.
“I’m going make this asshole take me to Donovan.” Because I know that’s a dumb idea that could lead to my demise, I go to the back of the SUV and open the door where Elena is sitting. She’s trying to be strong, but I see the fear. “I’m going to find Niko and Donovan, okay?”
Elena reaches for me, her fingers trembling. “It’s too dangerous.”
"Hey." I take her hand and squeeze it. "It's time to be strong. For Niko, for the babies. I love you. I know whatever happens, you and the babies will be well loved and cared for."
Her eyes brim with tears, and she nods, understanding the weight of my goodbye.
Turning to Aria, I see steely resolve that makes me feel okay to entrust her with Elena. "Be good to her, Aria. If something happens to me, be the sister I can't."
"I will," Aria promises. She jumps out of the driver’s seat and gives me a hug. “Please find my brother and Uncle Donovan.”
I hug her back. “I plan on it.”
With one last glance at my sister, I turn back to the man’s SUV, getting in the driver’s seat. I press the muzzle of my gun against his temple. "Where is my husband?"
He shrugs. I put the gun to his knee and fire.
He cries out, followed by a string of curses. Or I think they’re curses. I don’t speak Russian.
“Let’s try this again. Where is my husband? Oh… and you only have two more chances. The third shot will be in your brain.”
He’s breathing hard and staring at me with murderous hate. “Jersey.”
“Jersey’s a big state. Lots of territory,” I say, referring to organized crime sections, not the land itself.
He tells me the location, and I put the car in gear, heading to the Holland Tunnel. We have a drive ahead of us. At least two hours. I drive with my right hand, holding the gun in my left, which isn’t my dominant hand, but it’s further away from him if he tries anything.
Hours later, on the outskirts of Atlantic City, I pull into a lone warehouse parking lot. The area is dark since the sun won’t be up for another hour or so.
“He’s here?” Nerves have me darting my gaze around. The place is quiet. It appears empty.
“The girl is here."
Confusion lances through me. "What girl?" My mind races, trying to piece together this puzzle.
He shrugs.
Perhaps it’s related to my father’s trafficking business. But Donovan told me Liam was going to shut it down. Did he lie? Was Donovan here running my father’s business? Had he negotiated with Bratva to partner in it?
“Where’s your phone?” I ask.
He looks away. I take the gun and point it at his other knee.
“Fuck you. The console.”