Page 83 of Queen of Misfortune (Shadows of Redemption)
“We did what we had to do so that Lucy could stay here with her sister. You knew that’s what she wanted,” Donovan says. Hiswords are a reminder that our marriage is one of convenience. All so I could be with my sister and hopefully take away my value to my father.
Luka's hands clench into fists. “I should have been informed.”
“I’m sorry you weren’t,” I say again, and I look to Donovan, hoping he reads in my expression that he needs to tone it down.
A sudden movement catches my eye, and Aria enters the living room. “It sounds like World War Three in here.”
Luca glances at her and then does a double-take.
She smiles and holds out her hand. “I’m Aria Leone.”
He takes it, his gaze going to their entwined hands and then to her face. “Luca Conti.Piacere di conoscerti.”
“Oh, a true Italian.” Her eyes light up in delight. “I’m sorry to say my Italian isn’t very good.”
“Then I will speak English.”
She continues to smile as she looks from him to me while extricating her hand from his. “What’s going on?”
“Luca is the son of my deceased husband,” I explain.
She turns to him. “She’s married to Uncle Donovan now. You can’t take her.”
“It’s my duty to honor my father’s wishes to look after her.” Luca’s tone has changed. It’s gentler, friendlier. I note how his eyes have softened and are zeroed in on Aria. He’s captivated by her. I hope it passes, because I’m not sure Niko is ready for his sister to be involved with a man.
“That’s sweet. But she’s with us now.” Her phone rings. “Oh, I’ve got to get this.Ciao.” She’s practically out the door when Luca responds withCiao.
His gaze stays on the entryway long after she’s passed through it. I glance at Donovan, wondering if he’s noticed.
“She’s off limits.” Donovan answers my question.
Luca turns back to us. A hint of pink shades his cheeks at being caught.
“Now, if we’ve settled everything?—”
“Can you be sure Lucia is safe? I can see how Niko’s wife is safe as Niko is the Boss. But you… will he think Lucia is untouchable married to you?”
Donovan’s eyes narrow. “Let him try and take what’s mine and he’ll find just how untouchable she is.”
The woman in me enjoys hearing the fierceness in his voice. The feminist in me is annoyed that I’m again a thing.
“You can rest assured, Luca, that Lucy will be protected by me for as long as she needs or wants it.”
Luca looks at me. “You’re okay with this?”
I nod.
He puts his hands on his hips and turns away as if he’s thinking. Finally, he looks back at us. “All right, then.” He pauses for a moment. “But I wouldn’t underestimate Giovanni. And I did promise my father that I’d make sure you were all right?—”
“She’s not your responsibility anymore,” Donovan asserts.
“A vow is a vow.” Luca’s tone suggests he’s not going to budge. “I assume your goal is to remove the threat.”
“Of course.”
“I can help. I must help to fulfill my father’s wishes. The last thing he wanted was for Lucia to end up under her father’s control again.”
I look at Donovan. “You can’t have too much help when it comes to my father.”