Page 34 of Queen of Misfortune (Shadows of Redemption)
I don’t look toward him, but I know he’s here. It’s like his energy is radiating through the room.
“Well, if you change your mind and want a small taste of freedom, meet me in the foyer at seven. Dress nice.”
I glance at him, searching for a sign of mockery. There's something tantalizing about the offer, but it has nothing to dowith Donovan. It must be the idea of a little freedom. Of being somewhere other than holed up in Niko’s home.
I spendthe rest of the afternoon going through a mental tug-of-war on whether I should go with Donovan or not. In the end, my sense of adventure wins out and I’m shimmying into my little black dress. I’d already done my hair and makeup, first like I was going out on the town, and then remembering this isn’t a date since Donovan has business to deal with, I tone it down.
You know, everyone thinks Donovan has a thing for you.Elena’s words come back to me. For a moment, I consider that but then dismiss it. Maybe I’m a conquest for him, but that would be it. Besides, I don’t want to be in his world. I wonder if I can escape it, though. And if I did, would that mean I couldn’t see Elena anymore?
I push all the troubled thoughts away and make my way downstairs at seven to meet Donovan. I wonder if he’ll be surprised that I’m taking him up on his offer. Maybe he’ll be annoyed. If that’s the case, he shouldn’t have invited me.
I descend the staircase and see Donovan standing at the bottom, his attention on his phone. I reach the last step, and still, he doesn't turn. My presence is inconsequential. It’s a feeling that has me ready to go back upstairs and hide in my room forever.
“You look lovely, Mrs. Conti,” Rosa says as she enters the foyer and heads upstairs.
“It’s nice of you to notice. Thank you, Rosa.”
Donovan finally turns, and his eyes travel the length of me, igniting a trail of heat despite the chill of my indignation.
He smirks. "That'll do.”
I bristle at the casual approval. Like I’m chattel or something. “Are you sure? Do you need to check my teeth?” Inside, I’mfeeling like an idiot for reveling in his perusal of my body. It’s pathetic how starved I am to be seen as something of value. As more than a tool or a pawn.
Niko strides into the foyer. “A minute, Donovan.”
Donovan obeys with a nod as he steps over to Niko. I watch from my peripheral vision, pretending to adjust the strap on my heel. The muscles in Donovan's jaw clench as he listens, his eyes flickering to mine for just a split second before returning to Niko. There's a promise in that look, or maybe a warning. I wonder what they’re plotting. Exchanging secrets? Planning a murder? I wonder if this outing is a ruse for Donovan to pick my brain about my father or encourage me to leave Elena. I wouldn’t put anything past those two.
The conversation ends with Niko giving Donovan a pat on the back. Niko exits toward his office, and Donovan steps back to me.
"Let's go.”
His hand is low on my back as we walk out the front door. I try to be irritated by it, but the sizzle his touch sends up my spine is hard not to like.
The driver holds the door open, and I slide into the leather seat.
"Seat belt," Donovan murmurs as he settles next to me, close enough that I can catch the faint scent of his cologne—a mix of something dark, like the threat of a storm.
The car moves up the drive and out the gates. For long moments, we’re silent, a surprise from Donovan who always has a quip or a joke.
"Why did Niko allow me to come with you?" My question breaks the quiet. "After all, you insisted that I'm not allowed out anymore."
Donovan's gaze remains fixed on the world outside the window. He's a statue, all chiseled features and controlledstrength. But his pause tells me he’s weighing his words, and it sends a chill down my spine.
"Things change," he says finally, turning to face me, his expression unreadable.
“For whom? Me? You know you don’t own me, right? Niko doesn’t either.”
A muscle ticks in his jaw, the only betrayal of his irritation. "It's not like that, Luce."
"Then what's it like?”
He blows out a breath and shakes his head, like I’m an annoying little sister. “Security is easier out here. And it’s tighter than ever. I thought you might like to get out. That’s all.” It almost sounds like he cares. But I won’t make a mistake in believing that.
Finally, he turns to look at me. “Why did you come?”
He’s turned the tables on me, and I’m unable to look at him for fear he might see the truth. I look out the window. “I wanted to get out. Where are we going, anyway?”