Page 102 of Queen of Misfortune (Shadows of Redemption)
“I wondered that too. Did you see how he was ready to gnaw off his own hand to get free and help her?” I say.
Niko shrugs. “Hard to tell with Liam. If you’re right and he has feelings for her, I hope it doesn't cloud his judgment. Something tells me he’s between a rock and hard place. I wish he’d let me know.”
“If he needs you, he’ll call,” I say.
“Right. Well, on to other business. Giovanni, thanks to you, Lucia, is gone.”
“Good riddance,” I murmur, rubbing Lucy’s back.
“That means his Jersey territory is yours for the taking, Donovan. Just like we discussed.” Niko glances at Lucy, and I wonder if he thinks she’s hearing this for the first time.
“I’ve already been working on it.” My men and I have been doing what needed to be done to make Giovanni’s men bend a knee or die.
“The thing is, there’s been a lot of talk about Lucia,” Niko says.
"Talk?" Lucy looks at me, but I shrug because I don’t know what he’s talking about. Well, I know there’s talk of her bravery and fierceness, but I don’t know what Niko is getting at.
“Of your… exploits. Taking out your parents and Lou." His eyes flicker to me, and the guilt at not knowing Lou was a traitor burns in my gut. But Niko’s look isn’t condemnation. It’s sympathy.
“And the way you handled the Russian who drove you off the road. Quick thinking. Efficient. Brutal." Niko laughs. “My men you met in the garage admitted to being afraid you were going to kill them.”
“It’s no easy thing to put fear in Niko’s men.” I beam at Lucy with pride. She has fire and ice coursing through her veins. She’s as dangerous as any of us. “Thank fuck you love me.” I wink.
Niko's lips twitch upwards. “Yes, I’m glad you’re on our side.”
Her brow arches, and a laugh breaks free from her. It’s a rare sound until the last few days. Each time I hear it, it sends my heart soaring.
“Don’t forget it, boys.”
“What do you think?” Niko asks her, and I realize he’s suggesting that she take over. If it were anyone else, I’d have a problem. But Lucia taking over her father’s business makes sense. She’s a Fiori. It will be easier to garner loyalty from the men we don’t end up killing.
“About what?” She glances at me again.
“He’s asking what you think about running your father’s old territory?” I grin. “I could become your toady.”
She laughs again, and I really wish Niko weren’t here because I want to kiss her senseless. “Well, that is appealing.” She turns to me, looking up at me. “I think I’d rather have a partnership.”
How my heart is still in my chest after swelling with love, I don’t know. I trace the line of Lucy's jaw with my finger, the closest I can get right now to kissing her. “My queen.”
The sudden piercing ring of Niko's phone slices through the moment. He snatches it from his desk. The frown as he glances at the number tells me he doesn’t know the caller. "Leone."
Lucy and I exchange a look, both sensing a shift in the air as Niko's face drains of color. He turns his back to us, blocking us from whatever news he’s getting on the other end of the line.
"Understood.” Niko ends the call, turning back to us.
"Trouble?" I ask.
"Liam's cover is blown."
I cock my head. “You mean the FBI?”
He nods. “They know he’s working with us.”
That could explain why he’s MIA. “Was he arrested?”
“No. He is on the wanted list, though.”
“Is Kate still with him?” Lucy asks.