Page 65 of Rope the Moon
“Bossin’ the boss man.”
He leans in, and his hips press me back against the fridge. The muscle of his square jaw pulses as his voice drops to a low growl. “What if I fucked you right here, right now? Spread your legs, yanked those pretty panties aside, and bent you over the kitchen counter.”
A tremulous breath escapes me. My sex dampens. My chest heaves. It’s all I can do not to whine my approval. I need it. Every atom in my hormone-addled pregnant body craves Davis Montgomery.
“Got news for you, Hotshot,” I whisper. “I’m not wearing panties.”
He hisses a breath. Desire darkens his face. A big flinger slides into my waistband, all calloused and rough, when we both hear it.
The creak of a door.
A violent burst of barking comes from Keena.
I jump and Davis goes rigid. The change is stunning. Man to machine. His hand goes to his hip, on the gun he keeps there.
I freeze. My eyes dart to the main room.
Keena’s savage barks echo through the silent lodge.
“Who is it?” I ask in a whisper. A feeling of complete blind panic crashes in on me. My heart’s a hummingbird trapped in my chest.
“Cupcake,” Davis whispers, pressing me back against the fridge. His body becomes a brick wall between me and the intruder. He reaches for the gun on his hip as his lips move against the cool shell of my ear. “Don’t fucking move.”
“Call off your goddamn dog, Davis.”
“Fuck.” I give a sharp whistle, and Keena quiets, but still paces the floor. My heartbeat hammers in my ears.
Of course, it’s a brother. It’s always a brother. Giving me grief. Spiking my blood pressure. Cock-blocking my goddamn dick.
Charlie steps into the kitchen, covered in mud and snow, and I can’t decide whether to shake his hand or shake the shit out of him. Two minutes ago, I was this close to kissing Dakota. This close to fitting her curves perfectly beneath my palms and fucking her in my kitchen. Maybe he ruined the best thing that could have happened. Maybe he saved my goddamn ass. Either way, it’s a chance I won’t get back.
“Everything okay?” Charlie asks, his amused eyes bouncing between me and Dakota.
“No,” I growl, holstering my Glock. “It’s not fucking okay. I could have shot you.”
I glare down at Keena, pissed off at the way she flew off the handle over someone she sees every damn day of her life.
Charlie grins. “Payback.”
My gaze stays locked on my brother as the memory of that long-ago hunt passes between us. “What do you want, Charlie?”
“I wanted to talk to Dakota.” His eyes move over my shoulder. “A favor.”
I bristle.
A soft voice floats. “Down, boy.”
I tense as Dakota grabs my bicep and comes out from behind me. The soft sway of her hips, all that tousled dark hair, those pretty flushed cheeks…
The gorgeous sight of her shoots straight to my groin.Fuck. I adjust my dick and turn into the counter.
“What do you need, Charlie?” Dakota asks, as she leans back against the island.
“Ruby’s birthday is in May,” Charlie says. “Seeing as you’re in town and all, I was wondering if…” He trails off, his face unnaturally serious even for him.