Page 169 of Rope the Moon
“That’s real shitty, man,” Wyatt drawls, standing. “Who’d lie about a goddamn kid going missing?”
Something cold settles in my gut.
Wyatt plucks his beer off the desk, takes a long swig, and flings a dart at King.
He hoots in victory. “Right between the fuckin’ eyes.”
The door opens, and Ford enters. He leans back against the wall and stares the dart board for a long second, then looks at Wyatt. “Really takin’ it all out on Fallon’s guy, ain’t you?”
My head snaps up. “Say that again.”
Ford frowns. “That ass-face on the dartboard.” His amber eyes flick apologetically to Wyatt. “Saw him and Fallon the other day at the Legion.” He holds up his hands. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
The room spins. My stomach’s turned into an iceberg.
I launch myself out of my chair. “Fuck.”
“Davis?” Charlie’s voice cuts through the red fog in my head.
My brothers are staring at me like I’m a madman.
“Fallon’s boyfriend—it’s Dakota’s ex. It’s Aiden.” I barely recognize my voice.
Wyatt and Ford share a wide-eyed look.
I grab my gun off the desk. Whip my head to Charlie. “Stay with Ruby. Don’t let her out of your sight.”
And then I run. Dread and desperation searing my chest like a red-hot iron.
The missing kid—itwasa prank call. A decoy to get me away from Dakota. I fell for it. I left her there alone. Unprotected.
I fucked up.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The world’s a dark blur of fury as I race across the ranch and hop into my truck, dialing Dakota at the same time. She doesn’t pick up. I fly down the highway, praying I’m not too late. Praying I’m wrong.
I’m not.
Fallon’s cottage comes into view, and my stomach tumbles. I pull up to the curb and brake hard, sending up dust and gravel, staring at the scene that greets me.
Red and blue lights illuminate the night. Richter’s out front, along with half the damn town. Buzz Topper lies on the front lawn. Dead. Glassy eyes wide, a deep pool of red beneath him.
Out of the front door of the cottage comes a stretcher.
“Stede!” I yell, blasting out of my truck. No one tries to stop me as I race up to him. His hand lifts to me and I grip it. “What happened?”
“Bastard came to the house. The girls didn’t know—” He breaks off in a cough. “Shot me in the damn leg. He took them,” he says, voice stricken. Tears line his eyes. “That motherfucker took my girls.”
“We’ll find them.”
“I’m sorry,” he groans. “I didn’t protect them. I couldn’t—”
“This is my fault. I never should have left.” I close my eyes and let panic wash over me.
Dakota’s words of warning wreak havoc on my mind.Aiden plays the long game.
And he did. Bided his time. Waited. And now…