Page 155 of Rope the Moon
Oh no.
Oh shit.
God, it’s so painful I can’t look away.
Wyatt sticks a finger in her face. “You ain’t got no damn business ridin’ bulls,” he snarls.
Fallon’s nostrils flare. She grips her fork like she’s about to stab Wyatt in the leg. “It’s not your problem.”
“You’re wrong. It is my problem. And when you die, it’s going to be everyone else’s problem because of your selfish, stupid antics.”
I eye them with worry as I stand and move to the cake to cover it with a damp towel, not wanting it to dry out. Then I throw Davis a pleading glance.Say something. Anything.
Keena nudges my knee.
“Wyatt, this isn’t your party to ruin,” Davis says, standing to move Keena away from me. Or at least he tries. Keena darts away from him with a whine. Davis growls at his dog, then turns his attention to our siblings. “You’re making Ruby cry, so cut the shit.”
Ruby sits there, a huge slab of cake on her lap, her eyes wide and wet. Charlie looks pissed, reaching out to take Ruby’s hand in his.
Fallon shoots off the couch. “I’ll save you the trouble, Davis. I’ll go.”
“Oh no,” Ruby says, her small hands going to her mouth.
“Oh, for the love of Christ,” Ford groans, burying his face in his hands. “Would you two just—”
Two shots cut the tense air.
Glass shatters.
Ruby screams.
Davis roars my name.
Two paws land on my back, the force pushing me to the ground. Twisting onto my side, I shove against the furry powerhouse that is Keena, but she won’t let me loose. I look up and realize Wyatt has tackled Fallon and pinned her beneath the coffee table. “What’s happening?” I gasp.
Fallon shakes her head over and over. “I don’t fucking know.”
Davis’s voice booms across the room, hitting us all with force. “Everyone, stay on the fucking ground.”
Another shot rings out. Somewhere across the room, Charlie swears.
Keena whimpers, her nails skittering across the hardwood floor as she flattens me down like a pancake.
“Keena,” I gasp and wrap my arm around her neck. The dog lies on top of me, her wet nose in my neck. She’s trembling, her warm body like a calming blanket. I squeeze my eyes shut and hang on to her for dear life.
My heart is in my throat. I can barely breathe, barely think, except for one singular, terrifying thought.
Aiden’s here.
“Put the suitcase down,” Davis growls, pushing into my room. His gaze burns into mine, his posture tense and coiled.
“I have to go, Davis.” I race across the room, stuffing socks, bras, and T-shirts into the duffel bag I once dared to unpack. It feels like a rewind to that long strange runaway road back to Resurrection. Intent to stay, to dream. Now all my hopes smashed to smithereens. I feel like a madwoman.
“You’re pregnant. Where are you going, Koty?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care.”