Page 133 of Rope the Moon
I have the bastard’s name now. I’m on the offense. Already my mind lights on a game plan. Get his picture. Call in every contact. Every favor. And if he sets foot in Resurrection—beat him so goddamn hard he won’t even be recognizable as a carcass. Black and white has no meaning for me anymore. There’s only gray.
Only Dakota and that baby I love.
Nothing can happen to them. I wouldn’t survive it.
Dakota moans sleepily and buries her face in the pillow. Her black hair spills across her porcelain skin. Ebony on ivory.
I splay a hand over her swollen stomach, feeling the tumbling of movement inside. The wave of primal protection cresting over me has me by the throat.
This changes goddamn everything. This woman. This child. They are what I want.
The very fact that someone could touch her, lay a hand on her, has me livid. That fucking piece of shit who took Dakota’s light and then tried to destroy exactly what made her shine. I’m going to destroy the bastard.
Dakota’s story is a nightmare.
But from now on, she’ll only live in a dream.
I’ll see to that.
With quick, gentle fussing, I spread the blanket over her and take a second to stroke my hand down the curve of her spine. Then I pull on my jeans, grab my phone, and creep into the kitchen.
Five missed calls from Charlie and one text.
Charlie: Wyatt went HAM last night.
I text my brother back and pocket my phone. Annoyance slices through me as I scan the small kitchen. It’s a disaster, no doubt thanks to Ford. Wrappers from the fancy cinnamon candies he loves to eat lay scattered across the counter. I sweep them into the trash and hide away his fishing knife and tackle box. In the cabinet, I find a small packet of instant coffee and a jug of water we keep in case of emergencies. I mix the cold coffee, take a swig, then get back to Dakota.
I stare at her stomach, wrapped tight in the cotton sheets. “Cupcake,” I say, stroking a finger over her cheek. “You up?”
She stirs. “Best sleep ever.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, it was.”
On a yawn, she stretches out in the bed, her stomach sharking beneath the sheets.
“Listen, baby. I want to get back to the ranch as soon as we can.”
She sits up, eyes flashing. “Aiden?”
“I’m gonna head to the station, dig into it.” I scrape a hand over my scalp. “At least see where this bastard’s been.”
“You think he’s here?” Her hand goes to her belly, cradling it.
As a Marine, I try to rein any emotion back. Her words from last night unsettle me.Aiden plays the long game.Vague threat or truth? I can’t be sure. That’s why this can’t wait. Because what if he’s already here? What if he’s been here?
The thought has a cold sweat slicking over my skin.
The idea of her getting hurt or taken is unthinkable.
“You’re safe on the ranch,” I tell her. “I’m going to get eyes on King. If we can keep tabs on him, we have the upper hand.”
Defiance flashes in her eyes. “I hope he comes after me.”
“No.” The word is sharp, causing her to still.