Page 122 of Rope the Moon
Ruby’s mouth falls open.
Fallon holds up a finger. “And before you ask, no, you can’t meet him.”
Ruby and I stare after her as she hustles to the bathroom.
Grin on his face, Davis crooks a big finger and motions us over.
Ruby clasps her hands to her heart and looks pleadingly at me.
A ghost of a smile plays on my lips. “Fine, let’s go.”
Ipush back from the table and watch as Dakota and Ruby cross the dance floor like it’s their own personal catwalk. I’m tense, on edge. Especially since that text from Dakota. A pregnant Dakota in a rowdy honky-tonk is enough to give me a goddamn aneurysm. Leave it to Fallon to pick the most dangerous bar in town. The same bar Ruby nearly got trampled in last year.
I get that Dakota needed a night out—time with her sister—and I would never stop her. I planned to lurk in the shadows, watching over her like the overprotective bastard I am. But I never could steer my brothers away from cold beers and Fridays. We’ve been doing it since we moved here, and we won’t stop now.
Ford rolls his eyes. “She’s across the room, man. No one’s gonna get her.” He reaches for another beer, looking like he’d like to crack it over my head.
“You want to back off?” I say, clocking how much he’s had to drink. If my twin wants to get a pissy attitude, he can do it on his own damn time.
I glance back at Dakota, tracking her as she pushes her way through the tight crowd. I don’t know what they put in that pregnant water, but goddamn. Dakota looks sexy as fuck. Big brown eyes. Hourglass figure. The tight dress she wears showsoff her belly, her hair falling in glossy dark waves around her shoulders. Happiness radiates off her in waves.
Every man’s wildest dream.
But she’s all mine.
I have to fight the urge to storm across the room and brand my mouth to hers. Every eye in the bar follows her. Because she draws people toward her.
Resurrection’s letting her back in. She doesn’t even have to work for it.
“We’re combining tables, Cowboy,” Ruby drawls as Charlie pulls her onto his lap. He kisses her, and she wraps her arms around his neck and hangs on.
“Don’t have such fond memories of this bar, Sunflower,” Charlie murmurs. He has Ruby pulled so high on his lap I’m damn near ready to tell them to get a room. “Not when you’re in it.”
I stand and reach for Dakota. I tug her close, loving how she arches into me, like she’s made for me. My. Perfect. Fucking. Girl.
“Checking up on me, Hotshot?” Dakota says, a smile teasing those full lips of hers.
“Damn straight.” I press a hand against the side of her stomach and breathe her in. “Don’t want you out unprotected.” She shivers as I rough the words into her hair.
“So chivalrous,” she purrs, her cheeks flushed pink.
I pull out a chair and help her sit.
“She ain’t unprotected,” Wyatt says, finally coming up from his beer. “Don’t you got a tail on her?”
Dakota arches a brow, leans away from me. “Excuse me?”
“Wyatt,” I snap. “That’s private information.”
“Not anymore,” Ford mutters.
When I sit down beside Dakota, she’s shaking her head in amusement. “Really, Hotshot?”
“Really.” I scoot her chair closer to me and lean in. “Cupcake, that might be the tightest dress I’ve ever seen.” I give her a grin. “Hope you wear it all the time.”
Her lashes flutter. “For you, I will.”
“You’re makin’ this hard, Dakota,” I say, so low only she can hear. “Making me want to lay you down on this table and fuck your gorgeous brains out. Show you how a real man treats you.”