Page 30 of Harmony
Just as well.
After what happened with Dragon? I’m staying the hell away from these women. I already promised Rory. And myself.
Only one woman makes me feel like I’ve never felt before.
And she’s at the hospital, at Dragon’s bedside.
I let my adrenaline pump through me, sang my heart out, made sure I gave the crowd a concert worth remembering.
But then, when our set was over, and my high started to slow down… I looked in the front row.
And I saw Maddie. Donny and Callie. Brock.
But no Brianna.
And a little piece of my heart died.
Chapter Ten
My neck is killing me, my back hurts, and I haven’t had a good night’s sleep.
Of course I haven’t. I slept in a chair, next to Dragon’s bed in the hospital ward.
But I promised Jesse I wouldn’t leave his side, and I don’t plan to.
When I open my eyes and stretch, I find Dragon is awake, his hazel eyes wide open.
“When the hell can I get out of here?”
“I don’t know, Dragon,” I say. “Your doctor hasn’t been by yet this morning.”
He squints at me. “When did you get here?”
“I never left.”
“Oh fuck…” he says. “The concert. What happened with the concert?”
I’m not sure what to do to assuage him. Pat his shoulder? I hardly know him. I reach toward him and then think better of it. No touching. “I got a text from Maddie. She said it was fantastic. The backup drummer was great. So everything’s fine. You don’t need to worry.”
“Yeah, I do.” He rubs at his eyes. “I may have just lost my job.”
“No, we’ve got it all figured out,” I say. “You’re going to stay here until your doctor releases you, which may be later today. And then you’ll stay at the hotel in London while the band travels to Edinburgh and Glasgow, and then back to London.”
“And they’ll be using the other drummer?”
“Yeah. So you can take some time to rest and recuperate. I’ll be staying with you.”
“Scratch that,” a voice says from behind me.
My brother’s voice.
Donny and Callie are here.
“Hey.” A giant yawn splits my face. “What are you guys doing here?”