Page 21 of Harmony
I grab my phone out of my pocket to check the time. “I should get over to the hospital. He’s going to want to talk to me.”
“Jesse, no.” She grips my shoulders. “You need to stay here. You need to meditate or do whatever you do before a concert. Maddie and Brianna are there. They can take care of him.”
“You don’t understand.” I shake my head. “I know things about Dragon that no one knows. And I?—”
She shakes me, still holding my shoulders. Literally shakes me. Even though I’m close to twice her weight.
“Stop it. We’re lucky we can go on tonight without Dragon. You need to be here. Focused. Dragon is fine. We know he’s going to be okay. You can go see him tomorrow before we leave for Edinburgh.”
Again, I know she’s right. But I’m tense. So damned tense. I could see if the spa could get me in for another massage.
No. Then I would be too relaxed to sing well.
A certain amount of tension is necessary before you perform—at least it is for me. It’s that tension that keeps you on your toes, keeps you from screwing up when you’re onstage.
“I know you’re right,” I say, “but Dragon and I have a connection that I don’t have with the rest of you guys.”
Rory tilts her head to the side, as if she’s trying to figure out what I mean.
“I know that sounds weird, but it’s just… He trusts me, Ror. He trusts me, and I can’t let him down.”
“But he’s letting us down. Don’t you see?”
“Not if it wasn’t his fault.”
“It may not be his fault that he got drugged, Jesse, but it was his fault that he took two women he didn’t know to bed.”
She’s not wrong, and it could’ve easily been me as well. And then what would we have done? The drummer may be replaceable, but the lead singer is not.
No more groupies for me. Not ever.
Cage and I talked about screwing our way across Europe, but that won’t be happening. Which means I won’t be screwing at all, because I have to stay away from Brianna Steel.
She wants more than I can give her.
I heave out a sigh. “All right.”
“You and I are going to have a little chat with Cage and Jake,” Rory says. “And then we’re going to get a light dinner sent up to Brock’s and my suite. Okay?”
I nod and follow her to the elevator. When it arrives on her floor, we head to Rory’s suite.
Cage and Jake are waiting outside the door.
“Where’ve you been?” Jake asks.
“You mean you knew to meet us here?”
Jake nods. “Yeah, Rory texted us.”
“Apparently we’re going to have a Come to Jesus talk with my sister,” I say.
Rory hovers a key card over the reader, and the door opens. “Sorry. I thought Brock would be here to let you in.”
“Apparently not,” Cage says.
“Well, come on in. Take a seat.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jake says.