Page 11 of Harmony
“He’s a member of a rock band. We have a concert tonight. We’re opening for Emerald Phoenix.”
The nurse’s jaw drops. “I’m going to that concert tonight. My friend went last night. She said the opening band was fantastic.”
I look down at the tile floor. Normally a compliment like that would have me head over heels with excitement, but right now, all I can think about is Dragon. Dragon…and the fact that we may have just blown a big chance because of Jenny and Andrea.
“Thank you. I’m glad your friend enjoyed our music.” I reach out and touch Dragon’s shoulder lightly. “We had a wonderful time. But without Dragon, I don’t see how we can go on tonight.”
“I’ll do everything I can, but I doubt the doctor will allow him to go until tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I understand. I want what’s best for him. That’s the most important thing.”
“I’m glad you see it that way. You’re a good friend.”
Am I, though?
If I were a good friend, I would’ve stayed with Dragon last night instead of becoming distracted by Brianna. I should have taken Dragon aside and tried to talk him out of the four-way he planned for us.
I look around the bay once more, taking in all the equipment, the supplies, the machines with their constant rhythmic beeping.
The sound propels my anxiety, and I find myself holding my breath between beeps, as if that will somehow help Dragon. But it won’t. I’m completely helpless in this situation.
I jerk when my phone dings with a text, and I welcome the respite from the monotony of the beeping.
It’s Rory.
Jesse, can you come back to the hotel? Jett says he needs to talk to you and me together.
My heart sinks.
Sure enough, we’ve blown it.
Chapter Four
If only…
I know better than to play the if only game, but I can’t help myself at the moment.
I look at Maddie. Her pretty lips are turned down into a frown. She’s worried for her sister and brother, for their big chance.
I look at my brother Donny and his fiancée, Callie.
Callie has the same look on her face as Maddie. She’s concerned, and rightly so. Jesse and Rory may have lost their shot for the band to make it big.
And I can think of so many if onlys…
If only I hadn’t come here…
But I did.
If only I hadn’t gone to bed with Jesse that first night…