Page 34 of Beyond the Temptation: Vol 2
“Avoid what?”
His fingers tighten around my leg. “This.” With that, he thrusts so hard inside me that I swear vibrant colour actually explodes behind my eyes as I squeeze them shut.
I cling to him as he pulls out and slams inside again.
No more words are exchanged between us as he fucks me exactly how I prefer.
I open my eyes and stare up into his while he takes what he needs and gives me what I need. He doesn’t break eye contact. He never does because this is also what he needs. To be close like this. My husband may not be the kind of man who needs to be told he’s loved, or the kind of man who needs very much at all, but physical touch and intimacy is like air to him.
He orgasms faster than usual, almost at the same time I do, and afterwards he pulls me close and kisses me for a long time before turning quiet.
I give him silence for longer than comes naturally to me. When I can no longer keep my words inside, I roll over and press my body against his as I look up into his eyes. “I’m not sure why, after ten years of being married to me, that you think I wouldn’t want to be fucked like that. You should always fuck me like that.”
He doesn’t speak straight away; he simply looks down at me like he’s figuring me out. Which, let’s be real, he’s not. He figured me out a very long time ago. Finally, he says, “I know you like it that rough, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
I burst out laughing. “Says the man who has rough kinks a mile long. Seriously, King, don’t go soft on me now. I won’t know what to do with you.”
“Trust me, you’ll get it rough often enough, but I also want to keep you safe.”
And just like that, I know where this is coming from.
I scramble up his body a little so I can bring my face closer to his. “You really were worried today. On the phone, I mean. When you told me you loved me.”
He goes back to searching my eyes. Releasing a long breath, he gives me one nod. “The Brisbane club has been dealing with an unpredictable threat. We couldn’t find him on the Sunshine Coast, and I wasn’t convinced he wasn’t in Brisbane. I argued with Scott over it, but backed down and went along with his plan of attack.” He takes a moment before continuing. “Fuck, Lily, when I knew you’d stepped off that plane, my fucking chest was tight. If anyone ever hurts you, the fucking world will burn while I go after them.”
I grip his face with both hands and kiss him. It’s long and it’s deep and it says all the things I’m not sure I could ever put into words about how much I love him.
“Happy anniversary,” I say softly when I end our kiss. “I love you, too.”
His hand curls around the nape of my neck and he pulls me in for another kiss, lingering over it in a way he rarely does. “I’ve got plans for you tonight but first we need to talk.”
I frown. “About what?”
“Next week. We’re flying to Port Douglas tomorrow for a week.”
I sit up in the bed. “Really? I mean, the kids have a lot on. I’m not sure we can fit a week away in.”
He grasps my knee and says, “Lily,” in the way that means you don’t have to worry, I’ve sorted it all out. Also in the way that means business, like he’s not taking no for an answer. “We’re going away. Holly, Zara, and Robbie have a roster sorted for looking after the kids. You don’t have to think about a thing.”
“Oh my god, King, no. Robbie is so scattered at the moment. There’s no way he can be counted on.”
King sits up with me and gives me a fierce look. “He can be. Trust me on that.”
The way he says this causes me to slow all my thoughts down and pay attention. “Okay,” I say slowly. Hesitantly. “I will.”
“You’ve gotta give Robbie some space to be the eighteen-year-old that he is. And put some faith in him. Otherwise, you two are just gonna keep butting heads. Let him figure out his way and make his own mistakes.”
“You make that sound like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do, but it’s not.”
He nods. “I know. I went through it with Skylar, so I fucking know. But learn from my mistakes with her and let him breathe a little. It’ll be a lot easier for the both of you.”
I arch a brow. “Do you mean it’ll be easier for you?” Robbie and I have been fighting a lot lately and King’s the one stuck in the middle. Some days, I think the only reason Robbie is still alive is because King saves him from me.
“No. For you, mostly. Robbie’s at the age where he doesn’t really give a fuck. He’ll grow through these late teen/early-twenty years and come out the other side without much memory of all these fights because all he’ll remember is the heartbreak and angst with girls that he survived. You, on the other hand, are taking it the hardest and will remember every tiny detail.”
I think about that and realise he’s right. My son is causing me no end of grief…except I think probably I’m causing most of that grief for myself by not easing up on the mothering of him.
I crawl into his lap. “You’re a pretty smart man, Zachary King. I think I’ll keep you for at least another ten years.”
His reply comes swiftly. “You haven’t got a chance in hell of keeping me for only another ten years.”
I grin as butterflies flutter to life in my stomach. Even after all these years he still causes those butterflies with the way he loves me. Brushing my lips over his, I tease, “We’ll see.”
With that, he’s got me on my back and is staring down at me with heat. “I hope you got a lot of sleep last night because you’re sure as fuck not getting any tonight.”
“I’ll take that as another ‘I love you.’”
His eyes bore into mine. “I love the fuck out of you, woman, and don’t you ever forget it.”