Page 80 of Seductive Sin
I say nothing. I try to understand.
“Anyway,” Falcon says, “I’ll be back as soon as I can, but I want to stop at my parents’ house and see Raven.”
“Yeah, of course. How is she?”
“According to Hawk, all recovered.”
I can hear the smile in his voice. It makes my heart dance.
“Color is back in her face, and she’s feeling great.”
“I’m so glad to hear that.” I scratch my arm. “I feel like I’ve been so selfish, not even thinking about her.”
“We both had other things on our minds. I’m sure she’ll understand, but I do need to see her.”
“What have you and your brother been doing?”
“Some target practice, workouts, and we’ve done a lot of talking. Leif stocked us up with two more weeks of fresh food.”
“I hope we won’t have to be at the safe house that much longer.”
“Well, Falcon, you don’t have to be.” I look at my brother and sigh. “Vinnie and I? First of all, my family can’t know he’s here. Not yet. Second of all, if Miles finds me, he’ll take me.”
“He will not,” Falcon says.
I love Falcon Bellamy. I do. I love the fact that he thinks he can protect me from Miles.
Falcon may have been Savage in prison, but this isn’t prison.
Miles McAllister has money and power on his side, and my father, for some reason, seems to think this is all okay.
Falcon can’t protect me.
I have to protect myself.
“Give Raven my best,” I say.
“I will. Love you, Savannah.”
“I love you too.”
“Who’s Raven?” Vinnie asks when I set down the satellite phone.
“Falcon’s sister. There’s a lot you don’t know.”
“They both have bird names?”
“All five of them do.”
“His mother loves birds. Her name is Starling.”
“Really?” Vinnie smiles.
“His two brothers are Hawk and Eagle. His sisters are twins, Raven and Robin.”