Page 59 of Seductive Sin
“What have you been doing?” Falcon asks.
“Odd jobs mostly. Remote work. I break into my stash of cash if I have to. But I hate living off the trust fund.”
I nod. “I haven’t touched mine at all.”
“You’re a better person than I am, Savannah.”
I scratch the tingling nerves on my arm. “No, I’m not.”
“You are,” Vinnie says. “You basically told Dad no. You told Grandpa no. You told Miles McAllister no.”
“A whole lot of good it did me.” I meet Vinnie’s gaze. “They need me for some reason, Vinnie. We need to figure out what it is.”
“I’m pretty sure we already know,” he says. “I think we were barking up the right tree earlier. Damn. I never thought I’d see the day when our family got into that kind of shit. Drugs are bad enough. We’ve got them flowing over the border like nothing else.”
“How would you know that?” I ask. “You haven’t been here.”
“I know what goes on at the US border, and I know what was going on when I left. Two plus two will always equal four.”
“It’s all so weird,” I say. “I’m wondering… I mean, if Dad and Grandpa really wanted to find you, they could have.”
“You mean because you guys did?” He nods to Leif.
“Yeah,” I say.
“No. You may as well know, Savannah, that your friends here? They have the resources our family could never hope to have.”
“Remember, I work for the Wolfe family,” Leif says. “They’ve got contacts everywhere, at every top government agency. Everywhere.”
“You’re freaking me out a little bit here,” I say.
“No reason to be freaked out. We use our sources for good instead of evil,” Leif says.
“You sure you’re ready to take your grandfather out?” Falcon says to Vinnie.
“I’m sure as I’ve ever been about anything.” He turns to me, his face concerned. “But I don’t feel like you’re in favor of this, Savannah.”
I pause, taking a second to gather my thoughts. “Of course I’m not in favor of this. I hate what he did to you, Vinnie, but I don’t want either of you getting put away. Falcon, you’ve already done time for something you didn’t do. And Vinnie, you’ve been trapped in your own kind of prison for the last seventeen years. I’m happy you’re back, but I sure as hell don’t want you put away either.”
“I’ll do what I have to do, Sav,” Vinnie says. “I owe it to you. And to Mikey.”
“Mikey’s in a better place. You don’t owe him anything.”
My brother shakes his head. “Unfortunately, I don’t see it that way. He’d be alive if I had stayed back in the States. If I’d taken my place as the future head of the family.”
I don’t want my brother harboring so many demons, but I can’t fault what he says. It’s probably true.
“We’re going to have to sleep on this,” Falcon says. “I should get Vannah back to the safe house.”
Then I look up, jerk at a pound on the door.
Falcon’s eyes widen. “No one is supposed to know we’re here.”
“No one should,” Leif says. “You know I took every precaution.”
“Open up,” someone yells from behind the door. “It’s the police.”
“Stay quiet,” Leif says.