Page 13 of Seductive Sin
He cracks it open just a bit.
This is my woman we’re going after, and I feel like I should be taking the lead. But Leif and I both know he’s better equipped to do this job. If we end up behind the slammer, I’ll take the lead there.
Walking into this mansion hallway is like walking from steerage up to first class on the Titanic.
Plush carpeting under our feet instead of cold tile, which actually works in our favor, as it’s easier to disguise our footsteps.
White and gold wallpaper, as opposed to flat gray paint on the walls.
And the doors are solid wood and ornate, with brass fixtures.
Where to look?
It doesn’t escape my thoughts that we could very well be on a wild goose chase.
It’s possible she’s not here at all.
It’s possible she’s on a plane on her way out of the country.
In which case? Leif and I are both going to prison if we get caught.
Leif begins checking each door.
First one is locked. Second one too. Third one?—
Thud thud thud. “Let me out of here!”
I cock my head.
Leif simply nods at me, turns to the door. “Mr. McAllister?” he says, disguising his voice so it’s a bit higher than normal.
“Yes, it’s me, damn it. The bitch locked me in and the intercom isn’t working.”
I raise my eyebrows.
Leif smiles. Ah…so the intercom is down because it’s part of the system that Leif dismantled. Nice.
“Get me out of here, damn it. Open this door!”
“Right away,” Leif says. “Give me just a minute, sir, to find the right key.”
I look around hesitantly. If there’s anybody else in any of these rooms, surely they can hear him.
Or perhaps not. I would imagine most of these rooms are soundproofed.
Bitch locked me in.
He’ll pay for calling her a bitch.
But if he is talking about Savannah, that mean she’s escaped.
Thank God.
Whoever is behind that door finally stops pounding on it, obviously thinking we’re going to find someone to let him out.
We only have about five minutes before he starts pounding again.