Page 15 of Blossom
“You like that idea,” he says.
He’s not asking me. He’s making a statement—a statement based on his observation of me.
As Dominants and submissives, we know body language, even something as small as the change in another’s eyes or the subtle movement of muscles tightening. And he sure as hell can read mine right now.
A good Dominant has to be able to read me in case my mouth is bound and I can’t speak for myself.
Clearly he’s a good Dominant, so there’s no reason to deny what is completely obvious. My nipples are pressing against the stretchy fabric of my dress, my cheeks are on fire, and the party going on between my legs is in high gear.
“Yes,” I say simply.
“But not tonight,” he says.
I nod. “Not tonight.”
“I understand, and let me state up front that you’ll be perfectly safe with me if you choose to leave with me. So, I’ll ask again, would you like to get out of here?”
Black Rose has a top-notch vetting process. The club wouldn’t have accepted Ronan as a member if he had even the smallest blemish on his record or reputation. I don’t doubt I’d be safe with him. I’m more concerned, because of my intense attraction to him, that I’ll end up doing something I’m not ready for.
I swallow. “And do what?”
“Have a drink. Or”—he glances at my empty water glass—“a soda or coffee. A light meal. Anything. Whatever you’d like.”
The urge to leave with him is so great I have to wonder if he’s got some kind of hypnotic pull over me. But that’s ridiculous, of course.
What’s something we could do that’s safe? And public?
“You said you’ve been in New York only a couple of months?”
He nods.
“Have you had a slice of genuine New York pizza yet?”
He pauses a moment, and then it seems he’s going to smile, but he doesn’t. He hasn’t smiled yet. Not truly.
“I’m afraid not,” he says. “Pizza’s not really my thing.”
I rise. “It will be after I show you the best slice in the city. Let me just tell my friend I’m leaving.”
He stands as well. “All right.”
I walk over to the bar, where Brenda is still sitting.
“I knew you’d get back on that horse,” she says, grinning. “My God, and with him.” She twirls the ring on her left hand. “If I weren’t taken…”
“You still wouldn’t because you’re in love with Dalton,” I say with a laugh.
She smiles. “True that. Is he going to take you into a room?”
“Actually, no, we’re getting out of here. Are you okay staying by yourself?”
Brenda jerks, eyes wide, and nearly slides off her stool. “Say what?”
“I know. It’s not like me, but I feel okay about this. About him.”
“You’re sure?”
I smile. “Yes. But are you good if I go?”