Page 125 of Blossom
The young man rises, holds out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“You as well. Do you mind if I join you two?”
“Not at all.” Dalton gestures to a seat next to Brenda.
I take the seat. “I’ve been trying to find Mary.”
Brenda picks up her cosmopolitan and takes a drink. “Oh?”
“You mean Blossom?” Dalton asks.
“Yes, of course. Blossom.”
“Oh, she’s here,” Dalton says.
Brenda sends her fiancé a panicked and glaring look.
“I didn’t see her when I came in,” I say.
Brenda is staring down Dalton.
He says nothing.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“Blossom’s location is none of your business,” Brenda says distinctly.
Technically, she’s right. And I’m here at the club, so I need to act accordingly.
My hackles rise, though. I feel like an animal. I get up, and I’m ready to run into the back and pound on all of the private room doors, demanding that Mary show herself.
I’ll be kicked out of the club, but who cares? There are other clubs in the city.
I spent so much time researching, though, and this was the best fit for me. The best underground BDSM club in Manhattan.
But I don’t care.
Right now, all I care about is Mary.
I stalk toward the door leading to the back.
“Ronan!” Brenda’s voice.
I turn.
“You’ll be kicked out of the club, man.” This from Dalton.
What does that matter? I have to move to Vegas in a couple weeks anyway. I’ll join a new club.
I nod in acknowledgment, so he knows I heard him and I know the consequences, and then I return to business.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Boone is a Dominant I’ve played with more than once, but not since the scene with Jack.
Indeed, I haven’t played at all until Ronan came around.