Page 110 of Blossom
A few moments later. “Miss?”
I raise my eyes to the receptionist’s voice.
“I can go ahead and take you back to the counselor.”
“Great, thank you.” I rise and follow the woman behind the reception desk to a hallway of offices.
She knocks on one of the doors.
“Come in,” a man’s voice says from the other side.
I cock my head. No way…
She opens the door.
“Hey, Luke. This is the young woman who wants to talk about registering.”
Luke? My stomach drops.
He was Lucas to me.
That was five years ago, when I was a student at Mellville…and he was a professor.
I resist the urge to drop my jaw.
He rises, moves to shake my hand. “Good morning, I’m Luke Tedesco.”
Really? Does he really not recognize me?
“Mariah Sandusky.” I hold out my hand.
“Thank you, Regina,” he says to the receptionist.
Regina nods, leaves, closes the door behind her.
“Mary…” he says.
I snap my hand back and turn toward the door. “We don’t have to do this.”
“Wait—you want to finish your degree, right?”
“I think I can probably find another college.”
“Don’t be silly.” He sits down at his desk, taps on his computer. “Are you working full-time?”
“We have lots of night programs available. Or you could take advantage of our extensive online programs as well.” He reaches under his desk and then sets a few brightly colored pamphlets in front of me.
I take a seat as he gestures, fidgeting with my hands.
“This doesn’t have to be awkward, Mary.”
Too late.
He’s still as good-looking as I remember. Tall, with sandy-blond hair and blue eyes. But those eyes I once found so mesmerizing are nothing compared Ronan’s.
I was young, innocent, and naive, and I fell in love with a professor—a professor who introduced me to my submissive side.