Page 28 of Kiss Me In This Small Town
My orgasm grows until I'm moving against his fingers and against his cock, and then it reaches a peak.
I don't feel anything but him all the way through my orgasm. My entire body trembles as I crash into the waves of my release. Griffin holds me tighter against him, his hips moving faster, chasing his own climax just after mine. He pulses inside of me and all the while his lips brush against the crook of my neck. My heartbeat slowly falls as I take account of just how fucking intense it all was.
When he's done, he turns me over, cleans us up and lays me on the pillows, then lies down next to me and kisses my jaw. I turn my head and kiss him back. I think he might catch his breath after a second and maybe lie down to rest, but the longer I kiss him, the longer he kisses me back. Until sleep finds us both.
The morning comes too soon, and I wake up thinking it's all been a hell of a dream.
When I open my eyes enough to see that Renee is actually in my bed, cuddled up against me and fast asleep, a smile stretches across my face. I’m careful not to move too much and disturb her.
Holy shit.
She’s fucking beautiful too. Sleeping soundly, her chest rises and falls with every peaceful breath. I close my eyes again and let myself float in the memories from last night. Renee practically jumped on me when we got inside. My cock hardens as I remember her hands on me, tugging at my clothes, and going after exactly what she wanted.
Her entire body was telling me how much she wanted me, from her slim hips to her thighs wrapping around my waist to the way she lifted herself up to get my lips on more of her.
Damn, last night was fucking good.
Renee doesn't seem anywhere close to waking up, so I get out of bed as slowly and carefully as I can and take a few seconds to look at her.
The sun's just coming up, and Renee looks beautiful in the early morning light. Her auburn hair is a messy halo all over my pillow and her lips are just slightly parted while she dreams.
I tiptoe into my closet and throw on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, then go quietly into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Neither of us is scheduled to be at the bar until later, so there's no rush to wake her up.
The first thing I do when I get downstairs is tidy up. I pick up our coats and Renee's purse from the floor.
When everything's in its place, I go to the kitchen. A burst of air comes out of the fridge when I open it, and I shiver at the cold.
Pancakes. I'll make Renee pancakes.
My mom taught me how to make good pancakes years ago, so I take the milk out of the fridge and go to get a bowl and pancake mix. There are a few other ingredients if you want them to taste amazing, so I get some sugar and vanilla extract and put those out on the counter, too. It reminds me of home to put the mix into the bowl and add milk, stirring until it's at the right consistency and then adding the eggs.
Once I've done that, I go and hunt down my phone. I left it in my coat pocket last night. I don’t think I’ve done that in years. It’s a bit reckless in case something happens with Brody or the bar or my family, and I'm relieved to pick it up and see that nobody called.
I text Brody on the way to the kitchen.
Griffin: You awake?
My phone goes off with a short buzz of vibration on the counter just as I get back to the pancake mix.
Brody: Yeah? Everything okay?
Griffin: More than okay
I finish putting together the pancake mix so I don't add anything twice, then get out a pan and put it on the stove to heat.
Brody: Was last night movie night?
Griffin: It ended up being more than movie night. She stayed at my place
Pride fills my chest as I pour some of the batter into the pan, grinning like a fool. By the time I pick up my phone again, there are three new messages from Brody.
Brody: Holy shit, dude
Brody: You move quick
Brody: Did you even stay until the end of the movie?