Page 16 of Barron
“Please, Barron. Please.” When he got down onto his knees and pulled her ass forward until her pussy was right on the edge of the log, she watched his head lower to her. “Barron, Please, I—”
His tongue entered her. She felt it move inside of her. In and out, in and out. When he licked her clit she threw back her head and lifted up her legs to go to him deeper. She wrapped her fingers in his hair and tried to guide him to her clit again, but he wouldn’t.
When he finally took her clit into his mouth and sucked her hard, she screamed out her release. The birds and other animals flew off from the startling sound. And it made her smile. His fingers entered her, and again, he touched off another climax, then another. She lay back when he held his cock thick and hard before her.
“Watch me. Watch what I want to do when I come inside of you.” His hand fisted his cock and stroked it once twice, then a third time before he came. Thick hot cum jettisoned out from him and onto her belly, breasts, and face. He roared with each release, and when he reached down and pinched her clit she came again, screaming out his name as he rubbed his cum all over her.
Willow couldn’t move. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to. Her mind and body were at peace for the first time in longer than she could remember. She opened one eye to look at Barron. He looked like he couldn’t move either.
Barron was leaning against the tree heavily. His arms, down at his sides, were limp and covered in his cream. Turning his head ever so slightly so he could see her, his glazed eyes made her smile. He was just as turned inside out as she was. Maybe more so.
“We need a bath. Not only that, but a place to lie down and sleep for about an hour. I had no idea when…from now on, I’m going to invite you out here to relieve myself. I thought for sure that you’d be too sore to play around again.
“Never.” Standing, she did need assistance in staying on her feet. With Barron holding onto her, she made her way to the same tree that he was leaning on and rested her head on his arm. Neither of them spoke for a while, which was wonderful. She didn’t think she could concentrate on breathing and speaking at the same time.
“I’m going to see if I can get us home. Are you all right with me using a little magic? I don’t know if it will work or not, but we need to get home soon before we spend the night out here in the cold.” They were home in seconds. He didn’t let go of her but took her to their bathroom to get some of the sweat and dirt off of them.
Then he reached into the shower stall and turned on the water. Steam rolled from the curtain as the bathroom heated up. When he stood up from the wall, she didn’t know whether to be frightened or not when he came toward her. But he simply picked her up in his arms and pulled her into the shower.
“I think that I could sleep for a year. I’m so relaxed.” He told her that he felt the same way and thought that if they were to go to bed right now, they’d wake up in the next century or somewhere long in the future.”
They played around in the water, washing each other’s bodies and kissing. Neither of them had enough energy to have sex again, but they did have fun. Once the hot water began to run out, they dried off and headed to the bed. She thought that she was asleep before the lights were out.
Ewing wasn’t sure what was going on with his orchards, but he knew that someone was sabotaging the grapes. As he was walking around, trying to see how much damage had been done to the plants, he stopped when he saw what appeared to be a large family digging up some of his new starts. Watching them, he could hear that the man was a brut and was smacking around the kids like they were nothing but labor. Clearing his throat, the youngest of the children, about six, came running to him and hid behind him. That alone was enough to make him reach out to his brothers to let them know where he was and what was going on.
“Can I help you? This is private property you’re on. I’m sure that you’re aware of that, as there are signs all over the place. In fact, there are two of them right there where you’re standing.” The other child he didn’t know the sex as they were bald, as if someone had taken an electric razor to their head and botched up their hair. It might well have been fresh, too, as there were bloodied places still bleeding in places. “Come here, please. I won’t harm you.” The child, he could see now that it was another little girl, ran toward him only to be tripped when the man backhanded her. “Come here, child. I won’t hurt you.”
Crawling on her belly, she made her way toward him only to be stomped on by the man. Going straight to the man, he used a bit of his bear to knock the man back, then picked up the child. She was sobbing, and he was sure that it had more to be in pain than her finally getting free of the man.
“You let go of my kids right now, or so help me, I’m going to kill you where you stand. They’re mine.” The child in his arms said that they weren’t his kids and that he’d kidnapped them a few weeks ago. “You shut that trap of yours, kid, or so help me, you’re going to regret you ever being born.”
“I’m sure they do feel that way now.” Amelia appeared and then disappeared with the children. What surprised him the most was the fact that the man didn’t seem all that surprised by what had happened. He just stood there with his arms nearly over his massively fat chest and glared. “If you’re trying to impress me, it’s not working.”
He didn’t even look at his brothers as their bears as they came up behind the man. He didn’t want to kill the man, not yet at any rate, but he did want answers. So he asked the man why he was on private property.
“You’re right. It is private property, and it’s mine. You should get your fancy little ass out of here before I get really mad and knock you on your ass.” It was then that Mark growled. It was frightening, even to him, and he knew that they were related. The man turned around and fell on his ass while trying to get back away from the bears. It got close enough that Ewing was able to grab the man in a tight headlock and hold him still.
“You see those bears right there? They’re my brothers and haven’t had a good run to chase down their prey in a good long time. I’m going to let you go, and if you run, I surely hope that you’ve all your property, not this one, in order. They’ll kill you where you stand.” Mark took two steps toward the man and swiped him across the leg. Ewing was sure that all of them could smell the urine as the man had pissed himself. “Mark, now I’m going to have to go home and change again.”
“Amelia didn’t want to distract you, but she said to tell you that the girls aren’t related and that she’s taken them to the hospital. Both girls have been brutally beaten, and the older one has been abused with what she thinks was a whip. They’ve not said a word only to ask if you could come and protect them again.” He told Mark to tell them that he’d be there as soon as he was finished with this man. “All right. They won’t let anyone touch them until you get there, so let’s get this shithead taken care of and go there for them. If you back up, I’ll make sure that he has a lesson in manners when it comes to people smaller than him.”
“All right. But don’t kill him.” He could actually feel Mark pouting. “Please don’t kill him. We don’t know what’s going on right now, and I’d hate to find out that not only does he have these two children but more. Then you can kill him.”
“Thanks.” It was the strangest thing to see a big assed bear smile. It must have freaked the man out a little because he whimpered again. It was funny to him that this man had so much bravo when it was just him, and when nearly a half dozen bears showed up, he was as wimpy as a kitten. “Amelia will come and get you. She’ll take you directly to the hospital so you can see the kids. She also has a change of clothing for you.”
Grinning when Amelia suddenly appeared in front of him. He was in clean pants, and he smelled better, too. With just a touch to his arm, he was in a hospital room with the girls. As if he had known them for all their life, the two of them leapt from the hospital bed and wrapped their arms around him. Holding onto them while they sobbed, he got the information that he needed on the little girls.
“Their names are Rachel and Beth, I think it’s just Beth. The younger has been with Ben Kinsley for the last several weeks. He beats her daily, and when that doesn’t satisfy him, he locks her in an animal cage and lets his dogs, who he’s trained to kill, try and get at her. The older one, Beth, knows Rachel, but only because they go to the same school. They didn’t interact with each other there, but they’ve been clinging to each other since they were snatched. Rachel has been trying to teach the rules to Beth, but it doesn’t seem to matter much. He still beats the two of them when he feels like they’ve done something wrong.”
“Have you found their parents?” She said that all she could get out of their jumbled mind was that they’d been at school on the playground and suddenly woke up in the man’s house. Same MO for both kidnappings. “Why did they trust me when they saw me coming up on them? Or is this just a case of them clinging to the first person that didn’t reach out and knock the shit out of them? Either way, I’m thrilled to be able to save them.”
“Kinsley has been killed.” He hadn’t expected that, but when she went on to explain, it made sense. “He leapt over the waterfall—why the hell do people do that when the chips are down, and he was killed almost instantly. As for clinging to you, you had it right on both scores. You didn’t hit them, and you were kind to them. Kinsley has been trading them around to his buddies to beat up when they want some fun. Fuckers. I’m going to find out who they were and show them what it’s like to have the shit beat out of you when you’re smaller than someone else.”
The doctor came in, and the girls held tightly to him. After asking him if they could have a female doctor, the children were frightened. The doctor seemed to understand completely and stepped out of the room. Before anyone else came in, Ewing reached into the minds of both girls one at a time to find out what else might be going on. Since he was touching them, it was easier for him to sort through their minds.
“Rachel’s mother died when she was twenty-two of an overdose. One of her relatives sold her to Kinsley. Poor kid had been bounced from family to family. She’s had a rough life. Beth’s parents are looking for her, but not in a good way. They’ve never been paid by Kinsley when she was sold to him, as well. Both are in one of the abandoned hotels along the strip, too. They’ve been looking for other kids to snatch, and—I have to ask this. Why the fuck do people have children if they’re going to just abuse and hurt them? I mean, get a fucking job and work like the rest of us have to do.” Amelia asked him if he was all right just as the female doctor walked into the room. “No, I’m not all right. These kids are happier with me, a complete stranger, than they are with their own parents. There has to be something someone can do to fix this, don’t you think?”