Page 91 of Teasing You
“Because I almost cost him his job…”
“No, you didn’t,” Chloe reminded her. “He was put on temporary leave because he made a call. That’s not on you. That was his decision.”
“I really hate when you try to get me on a technicality,” she snapped. “And besides that, he took off and I’m still mad about that.”
“It was a shitty situation, Ash,” Billie said. “You need to talk to him and straighten this all out. He may surprise you with what he has to say.”
Another sigh. “He already has.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He kind of ambushed me on the street while I was walking to the police station. I kept telling him to go away, but he was adamant about staying with me. He was all like, ‘I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together. I love you and I’m not leaving your side.’ And, and…”
“What?!” both her sisters cried.
She looked at them in confusion. “What?”
“He said he loved you?” Chloe asked. “And you didn’t think to mention that sooner?”
“I was a little distracted at the time!” Sitting up straighter, she kept looking at the two of them. “I’m not even sure he really meant it. Maybe it was just something that accidentally slipped out and he thought it would help get him some sympathy! I don’t know!”
“Ash, you have to talk to him!” Billie said excitedly. “This is huge!”
“We don’t know that…”
“Oh, come on!” Chloe said with equal enthusiasm. “How freaking romantic of him to be willing to stand up for you in your darkest hour!”
“But it wasn’t my darkest hour!” she argued with frustration. “Everything was fine at that point!”
“He didn’t know that! You have to go talk to him. You absolutely have to!” Chloe insisted.
“It’s not that simple. I need time to think and…”
“No. No, you don’t,” Chloe said as she stood and pulled Ashlynn to her feet. “We’re going home right now. Everything else got settled today and this needs to be dealt with too.”
Panic had her by the throat. “Just because I talk to him doesn’t mean everything’s going to be okay! Maybe we’re just not meant to be!”
“Or maybe you’re looking for excuses,” Billie said as she stood and began cleaning up the dessert dishes. “We’ve already talked about the way you sabotage relationships and run away from them. Don’t let this give you an excuse to do it again.”
“But he left first!”
“And you didn’t like it, did you?” Billie snapped but then immediately laughed. “A fight or a disagreement doesn’t mean you just walk away and give up, dammit! More people need to learn that!” And then she stormed out of the room.
“Great, now look what you did,” Chloe mumbled. “It’s only a matter of time before she gets herself a couple of cats and takes up crocheting. Good job.”
“Hey, this is not all on me, you know. You were the one who kept pushing me.”
“And I’m going to keep pushing you because you need to do this!” Grabbing her purse, Chloe pulled out her keys and faced Ashlynn. “No one’s saying that you and Reid have to kiss and make up tonight, but you do need to talk. You owe it to yourself to let him know that you’re hurt.”
Tears stung her eyes. “I kind of like being in a state of suspension. While he was gone, I didn’t have to decide if we were together or broken up. I didn’t have to look him in the eye and…feel.”
“Oh, sweetie…” Chloe moved in close and hugged her tight. “Let’s get you home.” When she pulled back, she gave her a sympathetic smile. “And then it’s up to you whether you want to talk to him or not, okay?”
Nodding, Ashlynn walked over to grab her own purse. “We’re going, Bill!” she called out and got a mumbled goodbye in return. She looked at Chloe. “Call her when you get home, okay?”
“I’m on it.”
Neither said much on the drive home, but when they were parked in front of her building, Ashlynn turned to her twin. “What if I can’t do it yet?”