Page 9 of Teasing You
Fifteen minutes later, she was awkwardly racing to the front door of Avery’s parents’ house. Her friend opened the door, took half the stuff from her arms, and helped her inside. “I’m so glad you’re finally here. I think my hair hates me.”
Here we go…
Avery had a love/hate relationship with her hair and clearly tonight was a hate night. So rather than acknowledge that, Ashlynn set up all her tools and bags in the massive en suite bathroom off of her friend’s bedroom and began chattering about everything except hair.
“So…any cute single guys going to be here tonight?” she asked.
“A few, I think. Leo’s got some friends coming from out of town, but…” She walked into the bathroom and frowned at her reflection. “I should have let you give me highlights last week. They would have looked awesome now.”
“I keep telling you that you don’t need them. Your hair is gorgeous as it is. Now sit and let’s get your hair pulled back so I can start your makeup.”
For the next hour, they talked about all the preparations for the party, how she was still on the fence about her dress, and all the food she wanted on the menu that her mother had changed.
Essentially, it was all about Avery.
Which…was kind of fair since this was her engagement party.
When all was said and done, her friend wore the black dress and looked positively elegant. Ashlynn took a few minutes to touch up her own makeup and then pulled the rollers out of her hair and brushed it out. It was long and wavy and she hit a few spots with the large barrel curling iron just to fluff them up. She stepped back and sprayed on a good layer of hair spray and then began cleaning up.
“I hope you have other shoes with you, Ash. The boots are cute and I’m sure they’re comfy, but…”
“Of course I have other shoes,” she said. “They’re in my bag.”
But when she picked up her giant purse, the shoes weren’t there. “Oh, no…”
“What? What’s the matter?”
“They must have fallen out in the car when I threw all the bags in. Crap! Now I’ll have to run out there and grab them.”
Off in the distance, Ashlynn heard the doorbell ring and knew guests were starting to arrive. Maybe she could just borrow a pair of Avery’s shoes and not have to worry—which is what she asked her.
“Ash, you do this all the time. I’m a size nine and you’re a seven. I’m envious of your tiny feet. You’d fall and break your ankle if you tried to wear anything of mine.”
Damn. She always forgot that.
“Maybe I’ll text Chloe and ask her to bring shoes…”
“Why are you being so weird about this?” Avery asked with amusement. “Just go out to your car!”
It wasn’t that she was being weird so much as she really didn’t want to have to go back outside again. But…she didn’t have a choice.
“Fine. Let me grab all these bags and toss them out there too. One less thing to do later.”
“Good girl. Now I’ve got to go downstairs, so come and find me when you’re ready. Mwah!”
And she walked out without offering to help with any of the bags. Awesome.
With a weary sigh, she grabbed the hair and makeup bags and her giant purse. Glancing around, she remembered that one of the wait staff had taken her coat, so…that was happening.
“And now I’m going outside with no coat. Great.” But she knew the sooner she got this over with, the sooner she would be back inside and maybe having something warm to drink.
Or something not so warm to drink while she stood by the massive fireplace in the living room.
Feeling slightly better, she made her way down the stairs and secretly hoped one of the catering staff would be close by and offer to help, but no such luck. Pulling the door open, Ashlynn stepped outside and a string of curses was out as soon as the cold air hit her.
“Why didn’t I move someplace tropical when I had the chance?” she murmured through chattering teeth.
At the car, she yanked the door open and threw the bags in before bending over and practically crawling onto the back seat to grab her wayward sandals.