Page 89 of Teasing You
Clapping a hand on Reid’s shoulder, he added, “Take a little time and get settled in with the squad, and in a few months, look me up so we can get you further certified.” Then he shook Reid’s hand. “My wife and I are looking to move down to Florida to be closer to her parents and I’d like to have someone to recommend for my position.”
“What? Seriously? I mean…you’d be willing to…”
Dennis smiled. “Take care of yourself, Reid. I look forward to talking with you in a few months.” And then he walked out of the room, leaving Reid alone.
“Holy shit,” he whispered and contemplated sitting back down but immediately reconsidered. What he wanted was to go and find Ashlynn, but he knew she needed this time with her family. Hopefully he’d get to see her later when she got home.
With nothing left for him to do, he walked out of the police station and back to where he parked his truck.
All around, life in Sweetbriar was going on as usual. No one knew of all the drama that had just gone down and he didn’t know what to do with himself. He wanted to be mad about being wrongfully put on leave, but…he also understood why it had to happen. He wanted to celebrate getting to go back to work, but…he’d call his parents and they’d be happy for him. But more than anything, he just wanted to be with Ashlynn and apologize. Hell, he’d apologize over and over and over again until she forgave him. He’d been a total ass and the only thing he could hope for was that she was so relieved by today’s outcome that she’d be able to see his side of things.
One could only hope, right?
Climbing into his truck, he pulled out his phone and called his mother. It wasn’t a surprise that he got her voicemail. “Hey, Mom. I don’t know if you’ve been home yet, but I’m back in Sweetbriar now. Things were a little complicated when I got back here, but it’s all cleared up now and I go back to work on Monday. I just wanted to thank you and Dad for bearing with me these last several days and I’m sorry I was being so difficult. I love you guys and I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”
He pulled away and drove home. Ashlynn’s car was there, but that didn’t mean anything. She’d left with her family, and before that, she’d left with Dennis. He was sure they were all at Books & Beans celebrating. No one would fault him if he showed up there, but considering how annoyed she was with him earlier when he followed her to the police station, maybe showing up unannounced again wasn’t the right thing to do—no matter how much he wanted to.
With a weary sigh, Reid climbed out of his truck and trudged up to his apartment with nothing to do but wait.
Halfway up the stairs, his phone rang and he smiled when he saw his mother’s face on the screen. “Hey, Mom!”
Chapter Fourteen
Ashlynn looked around her sister’s house and felt a sense of contentment she wasn’t sure she’d ever feel again. After walking out of the police station, they’d all gone to Books & Beans to celebrate with coffee and brownies before moving the party over to Billie’s. It was crazy how many people were crammed into the house, but her mom, her siblings, Jade and her son Silas, Patrick and his wife Marissa, Ryder, Evan, and Avery were all there. Someone brought champagne, pizza was just delivered, and everyone she loved and cared about the most were right here under one roof.
Except Reid.
“I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together. I love you and I’m not leaving your side.”
Well, technically he had left her side, but that was because she made him. And right now, she still wasn’t sure what she was going to do or say when they finally were alone to talk. She was still mad at him for taking off the way he did, but knowing what she did now, she kind of understood it.
“I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together. I love you and I’m not leaving your side.”
He didn’t follow her when she left with her family, and he wasn’t here now, but it was possible he was respecting her request that they’d talk later.
Inwardly, she groaned.
“What is wrong with your face?” Chloe asked as she came over and wrapped her arm around Ashlynn’s shoulders. “This is a great day and your face is all squinky.”
“You’re a teacher. You’re not supposed to make up words,” she murmured in response.
“You know what I’m saying. Your face is all frowny and I don’t know why. Becky and Sandy are in jail! And you know when they add framing you to the list of offenses that they’re going to be gone for a long time. You’re free! Why aren’t you smiling?”
Avery walked over and joined them. “What’s with your face?” she asked with a frown of her own. “I thought you’d be dancing on the table by now.”
“Yeah, well…” Looking around, she asked, “Didn’t Leo come with you?”
“Oh, um…we’re kind of not talking right now. So…”
“What? Are you kidding me? Why? What happened?”
Avery waved her off. “It’s nothing. It’ll be fine.” Then she smiled. “But how are you feeling? Are you just giddy right now?”
“I’m not sure giddy is the right word, but I’m definitely relieved.” She took a sip of champagne before continuing. “In the back of my mind, I always figured it was Becky and that she did it for the insurance money. I just never thought Sandy would be involved or that they’d be so hateful toward me.”
“Yeah, that really was a bizarre plot twist,” Avery agreed. “So what happens now? Are you going to dive into work on the new salon finally?”