Page 65 of Teasing You
Both seemed at a loss for something to say to that, and as much as she hated this particular topic, it did feel good to get some of this off her chest.
Her mother sat back down and Ashlynn joined her. It seemed like the perfect moment for a change of subject.
“Would you like to see some of the equipment and furniture we’ve ordered for the salon?” she asked hopefully.
“Yes! Oh, how exciting!”
For an hour they discussed wall colors, cabinets, and basic decor before Ashlynn shut her laptop with a happy sigh. “Thanks to Billie, I can order the better quality stuff, but I hope I’ll actually have enough customers to really make a living at this. Well, a living for myself while paying all the business expenses. I’d hate to have to move in with Billie,” she added with a laugh.
“You know your sister—or any of us—would take you in in a heartbeat, but I don’t think it’s going to come to that. I’m sure once word gets out that you’re opening your own spa, you’ll have clients lined up around the block waiting to see you!”
Laughing softly, she shook her head. “You’re my mom; you have to say stuff like that.”
“I’m serious, Ash. You’re extremely talented at what you do and everyone knows you were the one carrying that salon. I have no doubt that Becky’s threatened by you.” Gasping, Marie straightened. “I’ll bet you good money that’s it!”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ashlynn Jane, we all know you have a temper and a stubborn streak a mile long, but you’re not malicious. You didn’t start that fire and anyone who knows you knows that.”
“You mark my words; Becky’s just jealous of you.”
Unable to help it, she snorted. “Right. So jealous she destroyed her own business. Be serious, Mom.”
“Fine. Don’t believe me, but don’t get mad when I get to say I told you so when this whole thing gets settled.” Picking up her purse, she pulled out her keys. “I need to get going. I promised Jade and Levi that I’d go to dinner with them and Jade’s parents and talk wedding stuff.” She smiled. “I’m loving every second of this.”
“I’m sure.” Then she shook her head with a smile of her own. “Still can’t believe Levi’s going to be the first one down the aisle.”
“Well, Billie almost made it there first, but…” She sighed. “We all know how that went.”
“That was ages ago…”
“And yet we’re still not allowed to talk about it,” her mother said with a small huff. “They were obviously too young and not every relationship works out. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Obviously she must still have feelings for him,” Ashlynn countered. “Or regrets. Either way, maybe one day she’ll meet someone else and move on. Now that all our cousins are starting to get married and we’re going to all these weddings, maybe she’ll start to see that relationships can work.”
“Did I hear that Patrick and Marissa are going to be moving here temporarily?”
She nodded. “Yup. Right here in the building!”
“Wonderful! I ran into them while they were here this last time and while your cousin gave me a bit of the cold shoulder at first, he eventually relaxed around me. I am still his aunt, and…”
“Mom? Don’t, okay? Dad has been practically living with Patrick and his whole family in Laurel Bay for years. He’s the blood relative, not you. And with Patrick coming here, it means that Dad might be coming more often too.”
The pinched expression was the only response.
“Everyone’s going to have to learn to play nice and you have to accept that if Patrick had to choose sides, he’s going to choose Dad’s.”
Marie waved her off. “All I’m asking is that we try to get along. We’re all adults.”
“Does that include Dad? Are you going to try to get along with him when he’s here? Especially with Levi’s wedding coming up, you’re going to have to be around him.”
“Your father and I have always gotten along. We’ve always been cordial to each other,” Marie tartly reminded her.
“Well, that was before we all knew the truth about why he left.”
“Okay, I think that’s my cue to leave. We’ve come full circle and I really don’t want to keep having this same conversation.” Walking over, she kissed Ashlynn on the cheek. “I love you and I’m proud of you. And I really hope that all this nonsense with Lavish Locks gets cleared up sooner rather than later.”