Page 57 of Teasing You
Levi: Although…
Billie sighed loudly. “Here it comes.”
“Here what comes?”
Levi: Your place is bigger, Billie. Any chance you can host and we’ll make it a potluck or just order takeout?
* * *
Ashlynn: Why don’t we just go out to eat and no one hosts?
* * *
Billie: You really should have warned me sooner, Levi. Not cool.
* * *
Billie: And where is he staying?
* * *
Levi: You know Jade and I don’t like to do sleepovers when Silas is home…
* * *
Levi: And I’m already staying in your guestroom
* * *
Ashlynn: Don’t look at me. I’ve only got the one bedroom
* * *
Ashlynn: And so does Chloe!
* * *
Levi: Everyone calm down
* * *
Levi: I was thinking Dad can take the guestroom and I’ll take the couch
“I hate to say it, but it makes the most sense,” Ash said.
“So does a hotel. We all know I’ve had the biggest beef with Dad out of all of you, so why should I suddenly have to not only host dinner but then let him stay?” Billie snapped.
It was crazy how emotional this situation still made them. But as Ashlynn reached across the table and took Billie’s hand in hers, she gave her a sympathetic smile. “Because you’re a good person and you know it’s the right thing to do.”
Billie: Fine. He can stay here but you have to change the sheets and fix up the guest room
* * *
Levi: Done
* * *