Page 10 of Untouchable
“Yes,” I squeak out, my throat dry and rusted from lack of use.
“On your knees,” he demands. Circling around me, he forces my upper body to bend over, laying my head in the mud as I hear his belt unbuckle, and true panic and terror take over my body.
He wouldn’t, would he?
* * *
I can’t breathe. My chest constricts with fright as I try to catch my breath.Is my heart beating?It doesn’t feel like it.
“Hey, pup, relax. I’m right here.” Looking up, I find Braxton’s deep, rich, coffee-colored eyes staring down at me, a million questions in his curious gaze. A throat clearing shifts my sight to find Trusen standing in the doorway, a look of guilt on his face.
He knows.
Both of my brothers do, and they suffer because of it. I try to keep the nightmares hidden, but when I wake up screaming in such a severe panic that I can’t differentiate real life from the old one, it’s usually them talking me down.
Rolling over, I ignore them. I can’t deal with their emotions when I can hardly handle my own. Blocking them out, I figure they’ll leave until I feel the covers move and Braxton’s massive body molds to my back as he pulls me into his arms and wraps himself around me.
“I’ve got you, pup.” That’s it. That’s all he says, and the dam breaks.
I cry for the life I wanted, for the life I lost, and for the life I was terrified I’d never escape. I cry for the teenage girl who was beaten until she couldn’t walk. I cry for the girl who was assaulted in that dungeon of pure hell, and I cry for the broken woman she’s become because that girl still resides inside of me, and the entire world is like one giant trigger that never leaves me even a moment of peace or refuge.
* * *
I’ve been up for hours writing, sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of my room near a window that opens just a crack. The breeze from outside has given me a sense of comfort that I’m not quite as alone as I’ve always believed. It’s nearing dawn now, and I know Braxton will want to get on the road to our last destination of the signing tour almost as soon as he gets up.
I’d barely untangled myself from his hold after he’d fallen asleep reassuring me that I was safe and he’d never let anything happen to me. It isn’t that I don’t believe him, it’s that I’d spent many years with men who used those same vows to control me and the women in my community. While I know Braxton isn’t the same as those men, putting my trust in such words that get thrown around like candy is impossible.
Since leaving, I’ve always believed actions speak louder than words, and by now, I think Braxton has clued into how I feel because he’s been using actions more. When I’ve needed to be comforted, however, I think he gets a little freaked by it, and words just come tumbling out to try and make me feel better.
“What are you writing about?” His rusty-from-sleep voice washes over me like a warm blanket on a cold day.
“Uhm…” A blush works furiously up my face, and when he gives a throaty chuckle, I know he knows exactly what I’m writing about.
“Anything I’d be interested in?” he teases as he sits up in bed, his beautifully sculpted body on full display. When he stands and stretches his arms above his head, my mouth waters. He’s wearing nothing but his boxer briefs, and the impressive bulge steals every sane thought from my mind. “Joss?” My eyes lift to catch his smug grin.
“Maybe,” I whisper, letting my hair fall into my face to cover the blooming red of my cheeks again.
“Going to let me read it?” He walks closer with a swagger that affects my ability to speak. Closing my laptop, I set it aside and get to my feet. Immediately, he pulls me into his body with one hand on my hip and the other tangled in my hair. “Why not?” His mouth hovers over top of mine as our eyes meet.
Placing my hands on his bare chest, I yearn to wrap myself around him—he’s always so warm. He’s like a comfortable blanket. Filled with muscles and smells nice. “It’s…personal.” My lame answer doesn’t fool him, and his smile widens just before he dips down to lift me over his shoulder and carry me into the bathroom. “You’re a caveman,” I mutter when he puts me back on my feet.
“You like it.” Well, I can’t deny that.
Iwas only mildly shocked after we landed in Denver for Joss’ final event. I hadn’t anticipated her wanting to return to Colorado after everything she’d been through here, but since her youngest sister still lives in Loveland, I’m also not that surprised.
Once settled in the hotel, it’s only minutes before she crashes while Ena orders lunch for everyone to be sent up.
“Porter, let’s take a walk.” He nods, and we leave Trusen in the room with the girls.
“Anymore contact I should be aware of?” I already forwarded all her texts, calls, and emails to my phone, so I know nothing has come in electronically, but the brothers have been keeping an eye on her social media.
“Not so far.” He frowns as he says it.
“That worries you.” He nods. “Why?”