Page 99 of Playing With Fire
“Alright, let’s regroup. We need to draw more of them out.”
“Demons?” Kate said in awe.
“No,” I bit out. “The men of Reed Security.”
“Oh,” she nodded. “Yeah, that makes more sense.”
“Ooh!” Cara hopped up, raising her hand high in the air. “I volunteer as tribute. I know a great way to get them out of bed,” she purred. “And I can guarantee it’ll be with a happy ending.”
I rubbed my temples, terrified I was going to kill them all by the time this was over. Well, except for Claire. At the moment, she still appeared normal. “Just…go to your husbands. Get them out here pronto. We’ll take it from there.”
“Gotcha,” Cara winked, but I grabbed her by the shirt and forced her to look at me.
“Only your husband.”
She stuck out her tongue at me. “You’re no fun.”
“Yeah, because that’s what this is all about.”
Releasing her, I headed in the direction of my own house, trying to figure out the best way to draw Cap into the open and make him believe this was all a farce. Telling him the building exploded should be enough, but my husband had a protective streak a mile wide and would do anything to keep me safe. If he locked me in the bunker, there would be no way out until Giulia arrived.
I tiptoed into my house and took the stairs two at a time, being as light on my feet as possible. When I reached the bedroom, I walked over, gently jiggling Sebastian. He rolled over, his erection standing proud as he grabbed me and pulled me across his body, kissing me hard.
“Sebastian,” I moaned, trying to push away from him. “There’s…a…”
His hand slid down my body, cupping my rear as he jerked upright, thrusting his cock against me. “You were saying?”
Fuck, I was saying something? His tongue slipped in my mouth as his hand slid from my rear to the crack of my ass, rubbing against the fabric. Even after just a few moments, I was hot and wet for him. He rolled me again, smothering my small frame under his large one. I spread my legs instinctively for him, sliding my hands around his neck and pulling him closer. His lips scorched my skin, reminding me of why things were so fucking perfect with him.
“Sebastian,” I tried again, but failed miserably. His lips slid down my neck, sucking at the space between my throat and shoulder. I groaned, tangling my fingers in his hair and gripping hard. He thrust against me in response, sucking on my neck as he rocked against me.
Shock waves rippled down my spine as my body quaked from his touch. I tried to remember why I was here, but it was impossible with his lips on me, caressing me and begging me to come unraveled in his arms.
He tore my shirt over my head, latching his teeth over my nipple. I groaned, wrapping my legs around his. Fuck, he was so good at this. My pants were the next thing to go, and I didn’t stop him. I probably should. After all, we had a job to do. But Hunter, Craig, and Rob wouldn’t suddenly come back to life if I stopped Sebastian from taking me right now. Besides, what if this was the last time we were together? Did I really want to stop him and face the consequences?
Not yet.
He settled between my legs, still sucking on my nipples and biting them hard. My body clenched in anticipation of his thick cock entering me. He groaned as he slipped into my slick core, thrusting hard and fast. My arms tightened around his neck, keeping him close. Sweat clung to our bodies as he rocked in and out of me. I gasped in pleasure as rolled, then sat up with me in his lap.
“Ride me, baby.”
I did as he asked, only barely acknowledging that he called me baby instead of Freckles. I shoved that aside for later, rocking up and down on his cock, pushing him so deep it hurt. His hands slid up and down my back encouragingly, and when he lowered his head and captured my nipple again, I knew he was close. I could feel his cock thickening inside me right before he detonated. My pussy clenched around him as he rolled me over and gripped my leg, thrusting inside me like a madman.
“Sebastian!” I called out as he slid his mouth over mine, swallowing my cries.
His hips slowed to a languid pace as he slowly devoured my mouth with his. With his lips on mine, it was hard to pull myself away from him, even knowing there was something more important to take care of right now. As he settled beside me in bed, I decided a few more minutes in his arms wouldn’t hurt.
Old me was fine, but this new, sexualized version of me was even better. I felt like I would go insane if I didn’t have a throbbing dick inside me right this instant, and the easiest way to achieve that goal was with my husband.
I sauntered up the stairs and pulled my clothes off, tossing them on the ground. Running my hands over my body, I approached his side of the bed, then climbed on top, rocking my hips against his. Even in his sleep, I knew his body wanted me, but he wasn’t responding like he normally did. If I woke him up in the books, he would instantly be on me, ready to devour me.
“Mark,” I whispered, running my tongue along the shell of his ear. I flicked my tongue at the lobe, then shoved my tongue in his ear. He jolted awake, shoving me off him, nearly throwing me onto the floor.
“What the fuck?” he shouted, rubbing his hand over his ear. “Did you just lick the inside of my ear?”