Page 76 of Playing With Fire
“He can’t help you either. Go to the fucking hospital.”
“Not without my husband!”
He sighed heavily. I knew he was seriously pissed off at me, but I was about to have another baby, one I hadn’t planned on, all because Sebastian tricked me yet again. I was not going through this alone.
“Knight,” I said, trying to control the panic in my voice. “I know this is hard for you to understand being in the middle of the jungle, but I need you to listen to me. I’m about to have a baby. Another fucking baby. One that Sebastian tricked me into. I’m going to have to push this bowling ball out of my vagina and then nurse it with my saggy boobs. Do you know why they’re saggy? Because I’ve nursed every single baby we’ve had. And while he’s out there playing Thundercats, I’m alone here, about to go into labor. I’m tired and in no mood to have a baby, especially not when I have to go home and do it all alone because my husband chose now to go play superhero. Okay?”
I swiped at my face because despite not wanting to cry, it didn’t really work out that way. I was an emotional wreck. “Knight?”
“Give me an hour.”
He hung up without saying another word. I pulled the phone away and stared at it. “What?!”
“What did he say?”
“Give me an hour. What does that even mean? What does he need an hour for? Is he going to fly Sebastian home in an hour? Because it takes a hell of a lot longer than an hour to get home!”
“Maybe he’s planning on teleporting,” Kate grinned.
“Maybe he’s—ah!” I shouted, bending over as more pain shot through me. “Alright, I think we need to go to the hospital!”
“Finally,” she sighed. She grabbed my arm and walked with me to the stairs. “You have to be the most stubborn woman I know.”
“Kate, promise me something,” I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to a stop. I was a sweaty mess and I probably needed to brush my teeth, but this was important.
“Anything. I’ll be with you the whole time.”
I nodded, my chin quivering. “Promise me…if this is a boy and he looks anything like Sebastian…”
“Yeah?” she asked, her face filled with love and compassion.
“You snip his foreskin and send the video to Sebastian.”
She flinched back in surprise. “Um…okay.”
“I want him to feel the pain of what I’m going to do to him when he gets home.” And with that, I turned and stalked out of the room to head to the hospital.
“We need to get to cover now,” Knight said, his tone brooking no room for arguments.
“Why?” I asked, although, I was pretty sure it was muffled through the giant size of my face. We’d just fought off a whole gang of ruffians, and I was proud to say that I was able to hold onto my man card, despite not being able to see a thing.
He turned to me, his eyes deadly serious. Shit, whatever this was, we were in deep shit. “Maggie’s in labor and refusing to go to the hospital.”
I chuckled in amusement. “Yeah? When does she not want to deliver in a hospital? In fact, we could count on one hand how many times she’s actually delivered in a hospital.”
“You know,” Sinner said conversationally, “for anyone else, that’s completely normal. But you chose to continue to knock your wife up until she delivered like twelve kids.”
“Six,” I argued.
“Six? Really?” Wolf asked. “Is that how many kids you have?”
I frowned, trying to remember. “Isn’t that right?”
“Hell if I know,” he shrugged.