Page 66 of Playing With Fire
“Alright, anyone can see that this is a load of bullshit,” Hunter stood. “There’s no way Brooke would willingly agree to sign any rulebook that Rocco gave her ever again.”
“Oh, well, I suppose you can tell it better.”
“Somebody better fucking tell me,” Cap muttered.
“And since when is Brooke pregnant?” Lola asked. “Were you just waiting to tell us that?”
“No, I—Christ, there’s no easy way to say it.”
“You lied because you didn’t want to admit that you knocked up your wife?” Craig said.
“I didn’t lie. I…embellished the truth.”
“About her being pregnant?” Cap asked.
“No, about…” I blushed, running my hand around the back of my neck. “Okay, so I might have…misled you about Brooke’s current state of mind.”
“Meaning she’s fucking losing it,” Sinner laughed. “Yeah, I remember those early days. Good luck, man. You’re gonna need it.”
“Anyway, skipping ahead to the meeting…”
Cap stormed into the room looking more enraged than I’d ever seen him. I leaned back in my chair and waited for the inevitable bomb to go off. Something must have happened with Freckles, though that wasn’t all that uncommon. Cap and Freckles were like oil and vinegar potato chips. You either loved them or hated them. Apparently, today was a hate day.
“Alright, let’s get down to business. Some fucker named Rafe is claiming an association with Cash. He wants us to go retrieve a gemstone down in the fucking Amazon.”
“Why doesn’t he just ask Cash?” Cazzo asked.
“Because…I don’t even fucking know. And frankly, I don’t care. It’s a job, and I desperately need this.”
“Maggie’s driving you crazy again?” Burg grinned.
“Fuck, she’s about to blow any day now. I can’t handle one more minute of the whining.”
“Well, in her defense,” Sinner sat forward, “you keep knocking her up against her will. And don’t think I’ve forgotten about the whole vasectomy thing. That still stings, man.”
“The vasectomy or the betrayal?” Wolf asked.
“The betrayal. But sometimes, I still have phantom pains. You have no idea what the nightmares are like. Worse than when I was held in California.”
“Anyway,” Cap continued, completely ignoring Sinner’s pain. “We need a job, and I need to get the fuck out of here.”
“No,” Sinner stood up. “You’re not leaving me here alone with Maggie right before she’s due. I’ve seen that shit way too many times.”
“Well, I’m not staying here!”
“Hey, you’re the leader of this business,” Irish cut in. “If something happens to you, the whole fucking company falls apart. I volunteer to go down there and retrieve the stolen gem.”
“You don’t even know the job.”
“Don’t care,” he shrugged. “For my leader, I will give whatever it takes. This company is only as strong as its weakest link. I refuse to be that link.”
“Yeah, you’re not just running off to avoid Maggie duty,” I cut in. “You need someone strong and muscular in case we encounter any…jungle people. I vote for Wolf, Florrie, and myself to go down.”
“I’m just as qualified, if not more,” Hunter stood. “I vote with Irish.”
“It’s just as important to have a few people without a conscience going down there,” Chris chimed in. “I’d say after what we accomplished with that gang, my team is the one that should lead the charge.”
“Hey, asshole, we were all involved in that,” Cazzo argued. “Besides, you guys are all doing this so you don’t have to be around when Maggie goes into labor. The truth is, you don’t care about Cap and what he needs. You only care that you’re not here to witness whatever might happen this time. You’re all fucking pathetic,” he spat, then turned to Cap. “Whatever you need, Cap. We’re here for you.”