Page 39 of Playing With Fire
“Because we’re…not fully clothed?” I asked, hoping to lead him into saying what was on his mind.
“Well, that and I’m seeing way too much of you.”
We all looked at each other. That didn’t answer our question.
“In what way?” Hunter prodded.
Ryan’s eyes bugged out. “Well, don’t get me wrong, Hunter. You’re a great looking guy, but I don’t need to see your tits, especially this early in the morning.”
I frowned as I slowly turned to look at Hunter.
“Come on in. You guys must be freezing.”
I slapped my hand against Hunter’s chest, moving it quickly when I felt his nipple. “He recognizes us as guys.”
Hunter nodded. “Yet, he thinks it’s totally normal that I have tits.”
Sighing, I stepped inside and waddled behind Ryan over to the kitchen counter.
“Take a seat. I’m just getting lunches packed for school.”
I tried to sit on the high stool, but my big belly wouldn’t allow for it. Ryan quickly rushed over and grabbed another chair. “Here, sit in this one.”
I lowered myself down, but just as I sat, he pressed his hand on my belly, grinning widely. “She’s active this morning.” Then he leaned down and started talking to my belly. “Are you driving your daddy crazy?”
“Wait,” I grabbed his arm. “You know I’m Cap?”
He smiled. “Of course, I know you’re Cap.” He paused, staring at me funny. “Although, now that you mention it, you seem a little like Maggie today.”
“What’s going on here?”
I craned my neck to see Lola walk into the room. She was grinning at us as she walked over and pressed a kiss to Ryan’s cheek.
“So, what are you ladies up to today?”
“Ladies?” Sinner asked.
“Um…should I not call you that?”
“Yeah,” Ryan laughed. “Why are you calling them ladies?”
Her hand flew to her hip in a huff. “Well, because they’re ladies and I’m not sure what else you want me to call them. Should I just shout out, hey, bitches?”
Ryan frowned at her. “You can’t see that Cap, Sinner, and Hunter are all sitting here?”
She looked over at us strangely. “Um…only if you think Cap is pregnant,” she snorted.
“Wait,” I shook my head. “So, you think we’re Cap, Hunter, and Sinner,” I said to Ryan.
He nodded.
“And you think we’re Maggie, Cara, and Lucy,” I said to Lola.
“What the fuck are you playing at?” Lola snapped.
I turned to Sinner, shaking my head. “This is weird.”
“No shit this is weird. We’re in women’s bodies, but one of them thinks we’re men and the other thinks we’re women. When in reality, we’re a combination of the two!” Sinner shouted.