Page 24 of Playing With Fire
“She’ll realize what’s happening if I get in the SUV with her. This is the way it has to be.”
“Never,” Sinner argued. “You won’t ever catch me doing something like that again.”
Shoving back from my seat, I wandered around the room, hoping someone would talk about something other than nonsense. Craig was lounged back in his chair with a smile on his face, so I wandered over to him.
“Yeah, it was amazing. I took her to this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant for dinner and we had the best time. What an anniversary dinner.”
Now, this was something I could get behind, and I nearly sat down until Alec responded.
“You tossed your wife in a trunk on her anniversary. How is that amazing?”
I ditched the chair at the last second and moved on.
“Vittoria was kicked out of another camp.”
“You should see the hole in the wall from when I lit the cannon!”
“I got a call from Reid. Their house was broken into, but he was able to subdue the intruder until the police arrived. He broke the guy’s nose.”
“I went to this seminar about the best way to present dildos to prospective clients. It was really interesting. I took notes!”
“Can you look at my wax job? I think my nuts have a rash.”
I had enough. Walking to the front of the room, I let out a loud whistle and silence immediately descended on the room. I closed my eyes and reveled in the peace and quiet while it lasted. I knew it wouldn’t be long.
When I opened my eyes, everyone was looking at me like I was the nut job. “We have a problem,” I said, voicing my concerns to the room. “Everyone here is growing restless. It’s time for a change.”
Hunter huffed out a laugh, glancing around at everyone else. “What are you talking about? We just got our lives back.”
I nodded, conceding to his point. “Yes, we did. And what are we doing with them?” I made eye contact with every one of them. “Knight is once again planning how to spy on his wife. I’d say he’s in a rut.”
That earned me a glare.
“And what a surprise, Hunter’s joining in on the chaos. And what about you?” I pointed at Cap. “Your wife is pregnant again. How many times is this now? We’ve lost track of the number of children you have running around. Put your dick away so we can all stop worrying about who’ll be stuck with Maggie on delivery day.”
I heard a chuckle coming from Alec and snapped my gaze in his direction. “You’re no better. How many cannons do you have now?”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “What’s your point?”
“My point is, no one needs another cannon—or tank,” I added for good measure.
“I do,” he snapped. “How many superhero outfits do you have?”
“I’ve hung up my cape,” I admitted. “Yesterday, I walked into the library to pick up Claire. As you all know, she started working back there after things settled down. She’s getting back to her life, and it made me realize something. Our wives are better at adapting to this life than we are. Lucy’s going back to school. Maggie is still chasing every story she can. Reese is back at the school,” I pointed out. “Ryan is still running a successful business?—”
“Ryan’s not my wife,” Lola smirked.
“That’s debatable, but nevertheless, he’s moved on. It seems our spouses are better at rebuilding their lives than we are. We’re terrified by the unknown and clinging to everything we know as if that’ll somehow change our lives. But the truth is, we’re incapable of change.”
“So, you want us to do what?” Cazzo asked. “Should I go work with Vanessa at the restaurant in town?”
“Yeah, I could be a barista at the coffeehouse,” Jules grinned.
“That’s not what I’m saying. Since we are incapable of change, we need to move forward. We’re stuck in this…gnarled mess of our lives. We need to get back to what we do best. We need…a job. A good job. No more installing security. No more babysitting celebrities. I’m talking the kind of job we took back when we were badass and took down armies!”
“Uh…we never took down an army,” Cap said, raising his hand.
I slapped it down, glaring at him. “You’re the boss. Why are you raising your hand?”