Page 14 of Playing With Fire
Knight nodded at me, then went back to ignoring me while he switched back to watching Kate in her office on another screen.
“Knight has…made some upgrades around town.”
“Okay, like what?”
I cleared my throat, knowing there was about to be a lot of yelling. “He…installed machine guns and…various other military equipment around town so he could spy on Kate and…keep everyone safe. Oh, and there are several drones flying around.”
Cap took a sip of his coffee and nodded. “Right. Don’t forget to fill out an expense report.” Then he walked out of the office without another word.
The whole fucking company had gone insane.
I rushed to catch up to Lola. If anyone could get through to Knight, it was her. After all, he’d helped her so much when she was going through some rough shit.
She was putting stuff away in the training center and barely spared me a glance. “Hey.”
“Hey, I need you to do me a favor.”
“Okay,” she said hesitantly, putting down the weights she’d just lifted. Thrusting her hands on her hips, she stared me down. “What kind of favor?”
“I need you to have a talk with Knight. He’s losing it.”
Her hard face quickly melted for the man. “What’s going on?”
“He’s…doing crazy things. I tried talking with him already, but nothing’s getting through to him.”
“He’s backsliding,” she sighed. “I knew this would happen. After everything with Kate…I guess I knew it was only a matter of time.”
“Well, we need to do something about it before he kills someone.”
That had her shooting me a questioning look. “Well, if he kills someone, they deserved it.”
Wow, did she really think that? I knew it was hard to gain back your humanity after leaving war. Hell, I’d been there myself and hadn’t quite felt like I would ever get my soul back, but to openly wish people to be killed was taking it a little far.
“How can you say that? After everything Ryan went through, I thought you would be more sympathetic.”
“Well, Ryan’s wife wasn’t a psychopath, so I guess I don’t really understand how the two have anything to do with each other.”
“You don’t think the people that get hurt will have families who miss them? Innocent lives could be spared if you would just talk to Knight.”
“Innocent? Is that what you think of them?”
“Uh…yeah. Nobody in this town deserves to have Knight take them out. I thought you would understand that.”
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
By the confused look on her face, I got the impression we weren’t talking about the same thing. “I’m talking about Knight shooting people in the streets. What are you talking about?”
“I thought we were talking about Knight losing his mind and leaving Kate again.”
“No, he would never do that,” I said, now a little worried that I had this wrong. “Why? Are you seeing signs?”
“No, I thought you were. I thought that’s what this whole back-and-forth was about. What people are gonna be shot in the streets?”
I huffed out a laugh, thankful she wasn’t a cold-blooded killer. Ryan would never stay with her if that happened. “I’m talking about how he set up military equipment all across town to take out potential threats.”
“Oh.” As if that was all the discussion needed, she lifted the weights and started putting them away.