Page 103 of Playing With Fire
He jerked his head in my direction. “You…you want me to watch?”
“If that’s what you want, but I’m going to need you to help a girl out. After all, none of them know we’re stuck in stasis.”
“Right,” he swallowed hard. “I’ll work on it.”
We arrived at the building a short time later. A crowd had gathered, but based on the murmurs and lack of outrage, I would guess no one knew Craig, Hunter, and Rob were lying smooshed under the building.
I shoved my way to the front to find Claire and Kate. I assumed they would be with their husbands, but maybe they just called them. Maybe Claire used the Bat signal.
“Claire!” I called out, hustling over to her. “Well, we got them here, but where’s Maggie?”
“I have no idea. I thought she was going to handle the announcement. Did you tell Sinner?”
“Yeah. Get this, he doesn’t want to have sex with me. He says we have it too much!”
“Well, that sucks.”
“Yeah, I even tried hitting on Derek.”
“You what?”
“Relax, he didn’t go for it. I’m pretty sure he’ll hide from me for the rest of my life.”
Kate walked over looking nervous. “I can’t believe we’re doing this. Do you think I look okay?”
“For telling everyone we’re living in a fake reality?” I chuckled. “I think you’ll do fine.”
“I was so nervous, I forgot to tell Knight. I’m just lucky he heard me stomping around the house,” she said, shaking out her hands.
I gripped them and forced her to look at me. “You need to relax. Everything is going to be fine.”
“But you don’t know that. What if he doesn’t want me anymore?”
“Then you choose from one of the other insanely hot men around here.” I caught Burg’s eyes and shot him a flirty finger wave. He frowned, turning away from me. “It’s gonna be hard to get these guys to face the reality that we’re not who we thought.”
“And in the meantime?”
I shrugged. “Get some champagne and flirt with anything that has two legs.”
“Somehow, I don’t think that’ll work.”
“Maybe for you.” I closed my eyes and thought about it really hard. “Damn.”
Sighing, I opened them to find my hands empty. “I thought maybe I could conjure champagne. It didn’t work.”
Sebastian was going to kill me. Everyone was already gathered around the building that I blew up. I could see the anger on his face at the sight of his base of operations being blown to shreds.
“I need to tell you something,” I said, pulling him to a stop.
“Freckles, not now.”
“Yes, now. I need to tell you something before you rush over there and yell at everyone.”