Page 34 of Hunger
There are only a few, really, that I need to sneak a peek at Phoenix to double-check, such as a woman with dyed blonde hair and a blinding white smile. “Come dance with me,” she all but orders as she reaches out and puts a hand on my bicep. She certainly isn’t lacking in confidence.
But when I glance across the bartop at Phoenix, she just gives a nonchalant shake of her head.
I frown but tell the woman no.
As I watch her spin and walk away, I wonder if we’ve just let the dangerous spirit slip out of our hands. But then I hear a voice in slightly accented English from my left.
“Well, aren’t you the heartbreak king tonight?”
I spin on my stool to look at the speaker with the sultry voice.
A tiny, delicate, dark-haired woman sits there, blinking at me from behind dark lashes.
“What do you mean?” I have to speak loudly to be heard above the music.
The song finishes right then, so I can hear her sultry voice clearly as she says, “All night, I have watched you turn down woman after woman. Tell me, do you have a sweetheart waiting for you at home?”
If she’s watching me so closely, I don’t dare even glance at Phoenix now. There’s something different about this woman. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she has a different… energy about her. An aura of power. I want to do what she says. It’s not quite on the level of compulsion, but I still want to. Is this just the power of a beautiful woman on a man? Because she is beautiful. Even I have to admit it. My hungry beast wakens even though it knows this isn’t to its particular taste.
I smile as I turn my full attention to her. “No. No one waiting at home. Just no one who’s caught my eye until now.”
Her lips tilt up, and she swirls her tiny cocktail straw in her drink. “Until now, huh?”
“You must know you are mesmerizing,” I say, leaning slightly in. My monster yawns. “But perhaps flattery isn’t the way to your heart.”
“My heart,” she scoffs, grabbing her drink from the bar and tossing her head back, downing it. I take the opportunity to look back at Phoenix whose features look slightly strained. But she nods, and I know I’m right. This is her. The bloodthirsty goddess.
I turn my attention back to her right as her head tips back down. “Let’s not worry about my heart just yet. Let’s have some fun. What do you say?”
“Fair,” I manage.
“Excellent.” The woman grabs my hand in a firm grip and whisks us away from the bar, through the thick crowd, and onto the tightly packed dance floor.
The music seems more… alive somehow as she swings back around to face me. As she grins at me and puts my hands on her waist, I feel overcome with happiness and the certainty that I’m right where I need to be and just stand there dopily in front of her. For once, I don’t feel my hunger; I’m just… floating.
“Like this,” she says, leaning in.
I nod because she’s so pretty, and I can’t think of a thing to say. She laughs throatily, dark eyes flashing at me. “Oh, my, you are a delicious snack, aren’t you?”
I nod again, because I suddenly find myself very agreeable to anything she says.
She lifts her arms around my neck, and we dance to the slow song that’s just come over the speakers. It still has a thumping beat underneath our feet that I feel in my calves, up through my thighs, and in my—
I yank away from her as I feel my cock stiffening.
She just laughs again, then reaches down and loops two fingers in my belt loops before leaning in. “It’s okay, cowboy. You’re a real gentleman, aren’t you? Just getting over someone?”
“Something like that,” I manage to choke out.
“That’s okay. I’m not feeling too picky tonight.” She leans in and flashes her eyelashes at me. “Wanna get outta here? Go somewhere quieter?”
I nod, my senses swimming. Somewhere in the back of my head, I remember this woman is dangerous. But really, what can she do to me? I’m indestructible.
She lets go of my belt loops, linking her hand with mine again and tugging me toward the back of the club. I go willingly, curious and lusty as a tomcat. When she pushes through a door into a quiet back alley, I follow like a lemming.
“I’m just parked this way,” she says.
“Mmm hmm,” I think I mumble. My feet stumble over themselves in order to keep up with her. Her hand is so warm in mine.