Page 60 of Between Brothers
His strong hands pry me open, and I’m even more excited at the forbidden heights he always pushes me to. Especially when his finger searches unashamedly against my back hole, feeling out the contours. The constantly rushing water isn’t exactly the same as lube, but he’s got me so relaxed. . .
His finger pops inside me, and we both groan.
“That’s right.” His voice is in my ear as he leans down, cuddling his face against mine from behind. “Let me inside your secret places. Relax and let all of me in.” His finger slides in and out just the tiniest bit, and my eyelids flutter at the unusual sensual sensation. It was nothing like this when I played with myself furtively in the dark.
I don’t know what it is about being with him, but every sexual act feels ten thousand times more intense when it’s at his hands.
“I’m here with you,” he murmurs just loud enough to be heard above the spray. I relax back against him, knowing this is what makes the difference. Trust, yes, but also the intimacy of being totally with him, present in each of these moments. I’ve never known anything like it.
My whole life has been so combative with the people around me. This kind of intimacy is almost beyond understanding.
And with his finger probing me back there, I feel even more wild. Like he’s stripped me down beyond skin to the being I am within. Human, angel, none of that matters here. We’re two creatures who managed to find one another against all odds, and I need more; I’ve never felt so hungry for more.
So I wiggle my ample backside against him, and with one hand, he holds my cheeks open wide while he wiggles his finger deeper. I gasp as he stretches me, slipping a different finger inside my sex for lubrication before joining the first.
He’s stretching me with purpose.
I groan my pleasured assent and wiggle even harder against him, pushing back as his second fingertip massages around the entrance of my anus where the first is already inserted.
The flat, leathery tip of his tail has begun massaging my wet, swollen clit and I let out a high-pitched whine, so on edge even as there’s a small bite of pain as his second finger finally pops past the ring of muscle to make its way into my ass. I know how thick his fingers are and the thought of two of them in my ass makes my head thrash back and forth in the spraying water. Because I know his cock is even thicker. His fingers hook inside me and he massages me, opening me up as he steps closer so I can feel his hardness between my legs.
“Will you let me take you completely?” he asks in my ear. I’m already nodding before the question is out. God yes. I feel so crazy turned on at the very thought.
“Let me hear you say it,” he rasps, his fingers working me even more fervently. “Beg for what only your dark god can give you.”
“P-p-please,” I finally manage words. “Please let me feel you there.”
“Where? Where do you want me?”
He spanks me with the hand not inside me.
“I want you to fuck my ass,” I holler, my voice echoing back in the small, enclosed chamber of the shower.
“That’s right,” he growls. “You are mine.”
Then I feel his cock drag along my pussy lips between my legs before it’s there where his fingers are. At the same time I feel his hardness nudging while his fingers pull out, his tail moves from my clit to probe at my pussy’s entrance.
I gasp, my fingers again scrabbling against the wet marble.
The next moment, he’s penetrating me. Both from behind, and oh, god—
I reach a hand down from the marble and clench it around the thick tail that has just slid inside my pussy, urging it deeper. Fuck, that’s so dirty. And so right. I feel completely claimed.
“Yes,” Remus says, “You are mine. Finally. Completely. Mine.”
“How much control do you have over your tail?” I whimper as I grasp the thick appendage even harder. It swivels around in my pussy while the intense fullness of him at my backside has my eyes rolling back in my head.
“Not much, why?” Remus says, at the same time that a nearly but not quite identical voice says, “Complete. And I can feel everything.”
“What the—” Remus starts to tug away, but I hold tighter to his—their—tail.
“Don’t go,” I beg, wild with lust and on the edge of the headiest orgasm I’ve ever had. Are Remus and Romulus really both there? Both awake and penetrating me at the same time? I clench all my muscles on their cock and tail, and almost simultaneously, both of their voices groan in deep pleasure.
“Feel her brother,” comes Romulus’s voice. “She wants this.”
“How are you awake?” Remus growls but doesn’t pull away this time. Instead, he only grips my hips and begins to move his cock in my ass, plunging slightly in and out in a way that has me barely able to separate one thought from another. Especially while the tail in my pussy has found an especially sensitive spot that has my eyes flying open.
“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” Romulus says. “Let’s take care of her. Together, brother.”