Page 76 of The Home-wrecker (Goode Brothers)
“Of course,” Dean replies. “She’s a cool kid.”
Hearing him say that, I smile. But then, no one says anything for a while, and what we did this morning hangs over us, bathing the space between us in tension.
It’s Dean who breaks the silence first.
“Fuck, this is awkward. Let’s just talk about it.”
Briar’s head snaps up and she stares at him as if she’s waiting for what he’ll say next.
“You first,” he says to her.
“Me?” She points to herself.
“Yeah, you. What did you like about it?”
Her lips part as she stares at him with shock. Fidgeting in her seat, she glances toward the back door to ensure we’re really alone before she says, “I liked being told what to do, and I liked being fought over a little.”
A grin slowly forms on his face. Then he looks at me, but I stop him immediately.
“Don’t bother asking. You know I liked it.”
This feels like a conversation my wife and I should have had already, but conversations seem to be a problem for us. What I’m wondering as I stare at her is if she liked it because of him or if she liked it because it helped us break down a barrier between us. One where we feel comfortable expressing our desires with each other.
And honestly, what does it matter? It’s not like this is going to become a regular thing. Because where does it end? If we bring this man into our bedroom, and then one thing leads to another, what was meant to help us communicate better will end in threesomes and an open marriage, and it all just sounds so messy.
And fucking hot.
“So when are we doing it again?” he asks.
My gaze lands on Dean with intensity. I should stop this, right? This can’t end well.
Briar fidgets again. “Maybe this is what we need, Caleb.” She must notice the discomfort on my face. “If we want to continue trying for this baby, and we don’t want to be miserable doing it, then why don’t we just go for it? You can’t tell me that after this morning, you don’t want to explore this more.”
Her pleading eyes are on my face, and I feel the desperation in her tone. She’s right. We do need to have sex anyway, so why not invite someone who seems to know how to make our sex life not so miserable?
“What about tonight?” I ask, deciding to just go for it.
“I had a client tonight, but they canceled on me. So I’m free.”
“Wait, should we…pay you?” Briar asks, and something in me sours. I don’t want it to be like that. I don’t want this to be a transaction. It sounds so impersonal.
Dean shakes his head. “Fuck no. This isn’t work for me.”
“Then what is it?” she murmurs.
With a huff, he smiles at her. “Fun.”
Briar: We’re ready.
If you had told me two weeks ago, when I moved into this apartment, that I’d get here, about to help this married couple’s sex life by showing them how to please each other, I would have been shocked—but only because I know Caleb Goode can’t stand me.
I’m doing this for her. Even when Caleb and Briar fight, I can see how much they care about each other. They belong to each other in a way I used to find repulsive to even think about. I don’t want to belong to anyone. I don’t want to feel obligated to give anyone my time or attention.
But Briar is so refreshing. After this morning, I can see the way Briar silently pleads for more. The way she’s dying for me to teach her dirty, bad, terrible things. She doesn’t think she’s allowed to ask for these things, but I can see the way she wants them.