Page 48 of The Home-wrecker (Goode Brothers)
Holy shit.
I move away from the window and hide behind the door, giving him a few moments before I decide to knock. Besides, I have a raging issue of my own that I need to give time to go down before I’m ready to face him. It would be awfully suspicious if he opened his door to find me standing here with a stiff dick for no reason.
It’s not surprising that watching him jack off made me hard. That would happen to anybody.
When enough time has passed, I finally tap against the wood. He lets out a grunt, and a moment later, he opens the door.
When our eyes meet, he’s wearing a rueful scowl.
And I don’t know if it’s becauseI’mthe one at the door, and he hates my guts, or if it’s because he just yanked the fuck out of his own dick without getting his release.
“Can I help you?” he asks with a crass tone.
Fuck, why did I come here?
After the scene I just witnessed through the window, my brain has become foggy. I forgot what the whole point of me knocking in the first place was. And seeing what he just went through, I might be feeling a hint of sympathy for him and not really in the mood anymore to give him shit.
Then I remember him on my porch the other night, no doubt conversing with my wife. And something territorial takes over.
“I’m here to set a boundary,” I say sternly.
His brows shoot upward as he stares at me in astonishment.
“Excuse me?” he asks.
This is just like any case at work, Caleb. Be stern and concise.
“The deal is that you can live here at this apartment because you need a place to stay, and I’m not taking that away. But I want you to know your place when it comes to my wife.”
When his expression of astonishment morphs into a smug grin, my blood starts to boil. His full, pink lips stretch into a wicked smile, giving him two deep dimples on either side of his cheeks. And when his tongue peeks out to lick his bottom lip, my fists start to clench at my sides.
“I’m serious, Dean,” I mutter.
He only laughs. “Oh, I’m sure that you are serious, but it sounds like a joke to me.”
“This isn’t a joke,” I reply angrily.
“Yes, it is, because you’re feeling insecure, right? And that’s somehow my problem.”
“I’m going to be your problem in a minute,” I growl.
As he steps forward and meets my gaze, I fight the urge to grab him by the throat and shove him against the wall.
“Listen, Caleb,” he says bitterly. “I haven’t touched your wife. In fact, I haven’t even tried because we both know that if I wanted to, I would have already.”
“Lay a hand on Briar, and I’ll fucking bury you in the backyard, you understand me?”
At my brutal threat, his eyebrows pop upward again, and he looks almost impressed.
“Tell me, Caleb, what exactly am I supposed to do if it’s your wife who wants me?” he says.
I take a step forward, cornering him against the doorframe, and he stares at me with intensity. We’re so close I can feel his breath on my face.
“My wife would never want you,” I say in a growly, deep tone.
“Are you sure about that?” he replies with a grin that I want to smack off his face.
“Yeah, I’m fucking sure. You can try all you want, but Briar is loyal to me.” My chest puffs up as I try to make myself taller, but he meets me eye to eye.