Page 36 of The Home-wrecker (Goode Brothers)
She waves to Dean with a cheesy grin on her face, and I glance back at him to see his awkward wave to her. I quickly usher her into the house, and she immediately goes to the couch with her tablet and starts watching a video. Meanwhile, I run up the stairs to get out of these wet clothes.
“Can I have cereal?” she calls after me.
“Yeah,” I reply. “Just let me change first, okay?”
After closing the bathroom door, I get a look at myself in the mirror. I look ridiculous. My wet hair is plastered against my head, and my nipples are on full display through this thin top.
Letting out a groan, I clap my hands over my face.
That was humiliating.
What am I even doing? Did he think I was flirting with him?WasI flirting with him?
First, it was last night in his apartment. And now today in the pool. He hasn’t been here a full twenty-four hours, and I feel like he’s flipped my life on its head.
Why do I act so strange around him? I love my husband and would never cheat on him. And it’s not like a good-looking guy in his twenties would want anything to do with a thirty-three-year-old suburban mom.
Jeez, Briar. Get a hold of yourself.
But even as I’m drying my hair and changing into some dry clothes, I can’t stop thinking about the entire encounter. Replaying everything he said. Remembering how his body felt against my fingers, as if the memory is imprinted into my skin.
There’s nothing wrong with that. Thinking about another man isn’t cheating.
Even if I let my imagination get away from me, thinking about him going to work tonight and picturing in great detail everything that entails.
“Give me a color.”
I yank the man’s mouth off my cock with a punishing grip on his hair. He sucks in a lungful of air before gasping his response. “Green, Sir.”
“Good boy,” I mutter in response. “You’re being such a good boy.”
He smiles up at me proudly.
“I think my good boy deserves a reward,” I add. “Are you ready for your reward?”
“Yes, Sir,” he says with a grin. Then, his expression changes into somber concern. “But can I make you come first?”
I had a feeling he was going to ask me that. He has no idea how much I wish I could let him make me come first. But that’s just not in the cards for me lately.
What sucks is this poor guy is going to think he’s done something wrong. And there’s really nothing I can say to him to explain that I can’t come. And it has nothing to do with howgoodhe is.
And everything to do with how fucked in the head I am at the moment.
“Seeing you come is what I really want,” I say, softly stroking his head.
I don’t miss the hint of disappointment on his face.
“You’re not going to let me down, are you?” I ask.
“No, Sir.” He shakes his head emphatically.
“Good. Now, be a good boy for me and lie on your back.”