Page 25 of The Home-wrecker (Goode Brothers)
“And, of course, you’re welcome to join us for dinner. I cook nearly every night,” she adds, fiddling with the diamond necklace hanging over her chest.
“That’s incredibly kind of you,” I reply.
Then I hear Caleb in the doorway. “I’m sure he has a life, honey,” he says, almost mockingly. “He doesn’t want to hang out with us—a boring suburban family, right?” I can feel him looking at me, but I don’t meet his eyes. “I mean, surely he works nights, don’t you?” he adds.
This time, I finally do look at him, and not because he’s speaking to me, but because I can’t help but feel as if he’s trying to taunt me. His tone is patronizing, and I didn’t think it was possible, but I think I hate this guy even more now.
I don’t reply to his question. I’m not going to entertain some close-minded, ignorant humor just because I’m a sex worker, and he thinks that’s beneath him.
Instead, I turn back toward his wife.
“I’d love to join you for dinner,” I say with a smile, “and I would be happy to hang out with a boring suburban family.”
Then I add a wink for good measure.
This makes her cheeks turn a light shade of blush pink, and I almost feel bad for a moment for toying with her in order to annoy her husband, but I can’t help it. I don’t feel bad at all.
Briar holds her hands tightly in front of her before stammering uncomfortably.
“Why don’t we go ahead and get your things out of your car?” she says.
“That won’t be necessary,” I reply. “There’s really nothing in my car I need.” Not to mention, it all smells like smoke, and I don’t want to contaminate this clean space.
“Oh no,” she says sadly. “Well, is there anything that you need? New clothes or…or…well, anything, really?”
“You’re being far too kind,” I shoot back with a slight chuckle.
“Come on, Briar,” Caleb says in a deep tone. “Let’s let him get himself settled here and get out of his way.”
“Of course.”
After she passes by me toward the door, she stops and turns back to say, “Oh, I forgot. You have free access to the pool anytime you’d like it.”
“I appreciate that,” I reply.
“All right, we’ll leave you then,” she says before disappearing through the door. The little girl gives me one more small wave before following her mother.
And then, just like that, I’m alone.
Standing in the middle of the apartment, I take a look around. I appreciate how tidy it is here. And she’s right, I will need some new clothes eventually. But for now, I just need some rest after the day I’ve had.
Slipping off each shoe, I place them together near the door. Then I drop onto the bed, resting my head on the pillow.
As I let my eyes close, I feel a sense of renewed purpose settling into my tired bones.
I don’t know if that fire was a blessing or a curse, but here I lie on Caleb Goode’s property, feeling as if I’m meant to be here. Maybe this is my chance to finally close a door that’s been haunting me for twelve years.
All of the hatred and resentment I’ve been harboring for that man has been like poison swirling under my skin, but now it feels as if atonement is just within my reach. The opportunity to cure myself of what’s plagued me for so long.
I’m not the revenge type, but if I were, the idea of making him suffer the way I did would be too tempting to ignore. It wouldn’t even be hard. I have everything he cares about at the tips of my fingers now.
I’d just have to flirt with his wife a little. It would drive him crazy. I bet she would melt like wax in my hands. But that’s not me. I’m not some vindictive guy who needs to toy with innocent women in spite of some rich prick.
Never in my life have I ever wanted to hurt someone, but God, I do want to hurt him. I want to get him back for everything he did to me when he chose to do nothing at all.
And for what he did to Isaac.
But lucky for him, I’m not that type of guy.