Page 154 of The Home-wrecker (Goode Brothers)
I let out a sigh. I don’t want to lie to my sister, and I promised Dean that we would make this work, that we would make people understand. So, hiding the truth and lying as if we have something to be ashamed of is not how I want to handle this. And who better to launch the whole idea with than my sister?
“Yes, I know that’s what you saw, but I’m telling you, it’s not what you think,” I reply calmly.
“Okay, so it’snotyou cheating on Caleb?” she asks, astounded.
“It’s not,” I say.
She scoffs as she lets her hands slap against her legs. “Okay, then, what exactly is it?”
“Caleb knows,” I say softly.
Juliet’s eyes widen as she stares at me. “Oh god.”
She sounds appalled, as if she’s just discovered that we are some alien life forms. And finding out that we have somewhat of an open marriage is the worst possible thing she could have just discovered.
“Calm down,” I say.
“Are you guys, like…” her voice trails as she glances around to make sure that we’re alone, “swingers?” She says it like it’s the punch line of a joke.
“No,” I reply. “We are not swingers.”
“So, you just have an open marriage?” she asks.
“Not really.”
“I’m so confused,” she says, looking at me, waiting for some sort of clarification.
“Okay, we’ve never told anyone this.” I start as I take a step forward and cross my arms. “But technically, Caleb and I arebothwith Dean, or rather, he’s with us. We are all together.”
Once I’m done speaking, she continues to stare at me, her mouth parted and her eyes wide. After a moment, she finally turns away, taking a moment to breathe and think.
“Oh my god, Briar,” she hisses, “aren’t we a little old for this?”
“A little old for what?” I ask, feeling offended.
“I don’t know—threesomes and partying like you’re in college. You’re supposed to be trying to have a baby, not screwing around with some twenty-six-year-old.”
She sounds so pretentious and judgmental; it hurts to hear her talk to me like this. Sure, my sister does live on a high horse from time to time, but I hate hearing her talk this way.
“Okay, first of all, we’re not partying. This isn’t a phase. And we’re not just screwing around with him, Juliet. We love him.”
“What do you meanwe?” she scoffs. “Caleb is…”
It’s not really my place to tell, but there’s no way to hide it now. “Yes, Caleb is with him too. But I’m asking you to keep this to yourself for now.”
Her mouth hangs open, and the way she looks almostoffendedgrates on my nerves. How dare she judge Caleb or me. How dare she act like this somehow hurts her.
“You made a vow, Briar,” she snaps. “Toeach other. In front of God, you made that vow. Does that mean nothing to you?”
“Caleb and I have kept our vows,” I reply. “Bringing more love into our relationship doesn’t change that. Besides, I’m done trying to live my life to please God.”
“How progressive of you,” she replies with scorn.
“I thought you were going to take this a lot better,” I reply, letting my brows pinch inward as I glare at her.
“Take what?” she shrieks. “This is ridiculous, Briar. Do you even hear yourself?”
“I do hear myself, Juliet,” I reply in a clipped tone. “What I’m struggling to hear and understand is why on earth you’re so upset about this. You’re acting like what I’ve just told you somehow affects you at all when it doesn’t.”