Page 78 of Cooper
“Now you areinterested?” She joined him on the deck.
“And it is nota boat.” Grabbing her around the waist, he placed her on hislap. “It’s a yacht.”
“No.” Heshook his head. “It belongs to Liam Moses, a friend.”
“I know who heis. He just loaned you his costly yacht?”
“That’swhat friends do. Mrs. Rochester, you look perfect in a bikini.”
“We arealone except for the - what do you call him, the captain at the helmof this gorgeous boat - no - yacht.” She grinned as he gave hera wry look. “It’s wonderful and better than being coopedup in an expensive hotel room. Can we get naked out here?”
“If you don’tmind people using long lens cameras taking pics.”
“Then I supposewe had better go below deck. I am horny.”
“Coincidentally,I am feeling the same.”
“Youdisappeared so quickly that I had to come and see what’s up.”His amber eyes searched her face. They had been married for almostthree months, and work at the clinic was progressing.
A state-of-the-artsurgery had been added, and her former office had been gutted to makemore space to share the office. Two new people had been employed tohelp Miranda and Gloria, who had her daughter a week ago.
“I felt sick.”
Moving away fromthe doorway, he came and sat on the edge of her desk. Tilting herchin up, he peered at her. “Is it what I think it is?” Heasked softly.
“I missed myperiod three weeks ago, but I thought it was the stress from the workwe are doing.”
“And it’snot?”
“No.”Leaning her head back and taking a deep breath, she continued. “Ijust threw up the sushi you brought for lunch, and this morning, Igot rid of the bacon and cheese Ms. Jenkins prepared forbreakfast.”
He frowned at her.“You never told me.”
“I thought nothing of it atthe time.”
“Want yourhusband to do an exam?”
“You areperfect for the job since you are familiar with my private area.”
Grinning at her, hepulled her gently to her feet. “Is it too soon?”
“Isn’t ittoo late to ask that?”
“I need ananswer.”
She shrugged, leaninginto him.
“I had wantedto wait until about a year, but I am fine either way. How aboutyou?”
“I am over themoon. Let’s go and get the confirmation.”