Page 56 of Cooper

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Page 56 of Cooper

“Is that whatyou want?”

“It is.”

“I thought youwere the soul of honesty.”

“I am.”

“You have beenlying ever since we started our relationship, darling. Where are wespending tonight?”

“Lord, you arepersistent.”

“I am that.”

“Fine. Myplace.”

“I will bringtakeout. What are you in the mood for?”

“Chinese. Now Iam hanging up.”

“I love you,darling. How do you feel?”

“Great.”She muttered. “You do not have to call and check in every fiveminutes.”

“I want to makesure my girl is fighting fit.”

“I don’tlike labels so that you know.”

“Christ! I loveyou. See you later, baby.” He hung up, a grin splitting hisface. He adored her because what he was feeling was much more thanlove. He was giddy, like a schoolboy with his first look at abeautiful girl.

He had had crushesseveral times in high school and had been attracted to more than hisshare of beautiful women. But no one - absolutely no one had evermade him feel this way before.

She was prickly andthorny and fearless, he thought in admiration. His Brooke, he thoughtwhimsically. She was his, and he was hers; it was that simple. Hewanted her in his life, and the sooner, the better. He would give herthe week, but after that, he wanted the world to know she was his.

“They told me Iwould find you here.”

His eyes popped opento see the woman leaning against the door jamb.

“Wendy. Whatare you doing here?”

“Is thatdispleasure I hear in your voice?” She tutted as she came intothe room to sit on the chair. “We have a mutual patient. GeorgeAnderson. He was transferred here late last night. I came in to checkon him.”

“I operatedjust half an hour ago. He is still in recovery.” Realizing thathis much-needed downtime was at an end, Cooper sat up.

“I checked inon him before I came to find you. I was here yesterday as well.”


Wendy shrugged.“Maybe I cannot accept that you are through with me.”


“I know.”She lifted slender hands in acceptance. “You have moved on, andI am trying to accept it. I have also signed up with yourgirlfriend’s clinic.”

Cooper’s eyesnarrowed to slits. “Why would you do that?”

“It will lookgood on my resume that I am willing to go that route. A free clinicin a depressed area where I can offer my expertise. I hope it willnot be a problem.”

“Brooke alreadyknows that I was involved with you, so if it’s trouble you arethinking of stirring up, I warn you against doing so.”

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