Page 54 of Cooper

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Page 54 of Cooper

“So he isserious.”

“He claims heis in love with me.”

Dwayne just stoppedhimself from saying- ‘I see’ again, barely. “Andyou believe him?”

“I don’tknow.” She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “He has givenme a week.”

“To do whatexactly?”

“To come toterms with the idea of us being a couple. I asked for a month.”

“What was thatgoing to accomplish?”

“I don’tknow.” She repeated in frustration. “I spoke to Mom abouthim.”

“About Dad.”He studied her carefully. “What did she say?”

She told him aboutthe conversation and watched the surprise on his face.

“You didn’tknow?”

“No.” Heshook his head. “That puts another light on the matter.”

“You think thatexcuses it. That excuses his reason for taking her friends to thehouse, to our house.”

“No, I am notsaying that. But mitigating circumstances-”

“You are not inthe courtroom now, dammit.”

“I know that.”Pushing away the bowl of soup, he took her hands in his. “Youhave been battling with this since you were a child. It did notaffect me as much as it did you because you always put Dad on apedestal. He was disappointingly human, and I realized that from anearly age.

He was a good father,which was important to me. But honey, you have to look at all sides -he responded to what Mother did in the only way he believed he could.

You are looking forreasons why your relationship will not work, and going into somethingso important with your views colored will be a problem.” Hiseyes searched hers. “You will have to give Rochester thebenefit of the doubt and ask yourself: How do you feel about him?”

“I am scared.”She whispered. Dwayne felt a jolt to realize that his usual fearlesssister was frightened.

“You are inlove with him.”

“No. I-”Pulling her hands away from him, she clasped them tightly as shestared at him. “Oh God.”

“Need amoment?” He asked her gently.

“I think I needmore than that.” She expelled a shaky breath. “I havebeen trying to tell myself this was just physical. He is beautifuland compelling-” Lifting a hand, she rubbed her temple. “Hewants marriage.”

“Ah. And whatdo you want?”

“If you hadasked me that several weeks ago, I would have been able to answerdefinitively that I am where I want to be. I am helping the so-calledminority, and I am not standing on a moral high ground and feelingguilty because of my privileged upbringing.

I know you and Motherwill never understand what I do, but it allows me to help people. Butnow-” She exhaled.

“He pisses meoff, and yet being with him makes me whole. I can talk to him. Weargue, and he is the first person who does not allow me to get awaywith anything. He overrides my protests without being high-handedabout it. I cannot stop thinking about him.

He calls to check onme, and I snap at him for being a nag, but good Lord, I love that hedoes that. I never thought I would become that woman - the one whoneeds a man’s touch and looks forward in eager anticipation tohear his voice. It’s damned inconvenient.”

She glared at herbrother as he burst out laughing.


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