Page 49 of Cooper
“Hmm.”His fingers were trailing down one cheek, eyes darkening. “Youhad me worried last night.”
“I am not yoursto worry about.” Her skin was starting to heat up, not from thefever.
“Are you not?”he traced the outline of her lush bottom lip, eyes darkening evenmore at her tremors.
“Just becauseyou cared for me last night doesn’t mean anything.” Sheinsisted a little shakily. The shirt was thin enough for her to feelthe warmth of his skin seeping through.
“I think Imight have saved your life.”
“Right.”She snorted.
“And that meansyour life belongs to me.”
“You are amoron.”
He grinned at her.“Is that any way to talk to your man?”
Her heart skitteredinside her chest, and she felt her limbs going weak. “You areassuming an awful lot.”
“I think weboth know how this is going to go. You will try and fight what wehave, but it will be a losing battle.”
“Why?”She sneered. “Because you are so irresistible?”
“Because webelong together.” Bending his head, he lightly brushed his lipsover hers, sensing heat to her core. She had missed him, and she hadto admit it to herself, even if she would rather die than admit it tohim. The feel of his lips against hers dramatically affected her in away that she could not explain.
With a sigh ofcapitulation, she wrapped her hands around his neck as she opened hermouth beneath his. When he drew back, she tightened her hold,golden-brown eyes glowing. “Don’t even think about it.”She warmed.
“About what?”
“Turn me on andleave. Unless you want me to commit murder.”
He laughed softly.“Violence, darling?” The words were whispered against herlips. “All you have to do is tell me you want me.”
“I want you.”He stifled a groan as she reached a hand between them to cup hisalready rigid cock. “I can also feel that it is mutual.”
“Always.”He kissed her lightly, trying to quiet the passion riding him like atumultuous storm. “Are you up to it?”
“Why don’tyou find out for yourself.”
“I intend to.”Flipping her over, he dragged the shirt over her head, dropping itnext to him. Then he undressed hurriedly, getting the clothing out ofthe way as he lowered himself on top of her. His hands framed herface, eyes searching hers. “The fever is practically gone.”
“Shut up andkiss me.”
“Your wish…”The rest of the words were indistinguishable as he crushed his mouthto hers. With a sigh of contentment, Brooke wrapped her hands aroundhis neck, her slender body moving against his.
She no longerresisted him - it would have been stupid and counterproductiveanyway. She needed him, needed this, and as much as she had tried totell herself that she would forget him, it had not happened in thetwo weeks he had been away.
Cooper captured hersighs, his body shuddering when they turned into moans. He wanted tobe gentle with her. The fever had ravaged her, but the heat racingthrough her body was different. Her hands slid from his neck to thebunched muscles of his shoulders and down his back.
“Now.”She whispered when his mouth left hers to trace the outline of hercheek.
“Patience,”he murmured thickly. “We have time, and I have not been withyou in so long.”
“Whose fault isthat?” Her fingers were digging into his flesh as he createdhavoc with her senses.
“Yours.”His lips claimed hers again, muting her protest. Lord, the man couldkiss, she thought hazily as his tongue plunged into her mouth andsent her senses whirling crazily out of control. She moved beneathhim restlessly, the longing to feel him buried deep inside her morethan she could bear.
As if her desperateneed had been transmitted to him, he reached between them and guidedhimself into her wet warmth.