Page 35 of Cooper
“Then I suggestyou take him to a hospital.”
“Look bitch-”
“You heard thelady. Get out of here, and if you are not gone in five minutes, I amcalling the cops.”
The man stood thereglaring at them for a minute before leaving.
“I think weshould call the police to be on the safe side.”
Ignoring him, Brooketurned to Miranda. “Go on home; I will lock up.”
“Sure?”The woman looked from her to Cooper.
“Yes. See youtomorrow.”
“All right.Good night, you two.”
Brooke waited untilshe had left before moving toward him. “The same goes for you,too, and I do not need rescuing. Before you came, I was fully capableof caring for myself.”
“What the hellis your problem?” He exploded.
“I do not havea problem. Now, if you don’t mind- hey!” She broke off ashe grabbed her arm and spun her around. “Let go of me.”
“Or what? Areyou going to kick me in the balls? Why the hell are you so angry,Brooke? Did I make you feel something you never expected?”
“Don’tflatter yourself. We screwed, and that’s all there is to it.”
“Screwed.”His laugh was ugly. “Is that what they are calling it now?”Hauling her closer, he clamped his hands on her upper arms, fingerstightening. “Shall I refresh your memory, darling? Perhaps youneed to recall what we did for the entire night and into the nextmorning.”
She shoved her handsagainst his chest to stop him from getting closer.
“I don't wantthis.”
“Let’sfind out, shall we?” Jerking her chin up, he crushed his lipsto hers. She put up a token resistance, but it was futile. Her bodymelted into his. Feeling her capitulation, he softened the kiss, hismouth moving over hers gently, hands drifting from her face to raceover her back.
She was pressed flushagainst his body and could feel the rigidity of his thighs. Herfingers curled into his scrubs before going around his neck. The heatwas spiraling throughout her body; it was intense, and she neededmore. She had not initially believed it and figured it was a fluke,but the passion could not be denied.
Ending the kiss, heheld her against him as he tried to quiet his rampaging desire. Hecradled her head against his chest, where she could feel his heartracing. Hers was not doing much better, either.
“I will not askyou to come back to my place.”
Sighing deeply, heeased her back so that he could look at her. His knees weakened as hetook in the lips that he had bruised with his potent kisses. Hergolden-brown eyes were glowing with a fire that showed him howaroused she was.
“I want you,and you want me.”
Pulling out of hisarms, she walked toward the desk on shaky legs. His presence waspotent and disturbing. She could not deny the passion between them orthe fact that she was attracted to him.
She could agree tosomething mutual as long as she controlled the relationship. It wasno use denying them both. Looking up at him, she made a decision.
“Pardon?”He stared at her with a frown.
“We can havesex. We are both doctors, and our hours are crazy enough as they are.Whenever we find the time, we could hook up. It would just be sex, aphysical need to be satisfied, and then we move on. It would notmatter to me if you had a relationship, as I know you will. Men likeyou tend to want to have varieties.”
“I see.”Cooper tamped down the frustration and anger at her words. “Letme get this straight - you want us to ‘hook up,’ as youso eloquently put it, without any strings attached.”