Page 31 of Cooper
“The moronconfessed, of course, so there will be no need for a trial,” hetold her congenially. “I know this must be incredibly difficultfor you-”
“It’sharder for Lisa. She is dead.” Closing her eyes briefly, sheopened them to apologize for her abruptness. Her waiting room waspacked as usual, and she did not have time for this. A woman wasdead, and yet she still had people relying on her. “Iapologize-”
“No need, mydear.” She almost expected him to pat her on the head. “Iunderstand that this must be a shock for you.”
“And I havepeople waiting on me.” She told him pointedly.
“Are you sureyou are well enough to work?” He asked her quietly.
Somehow, she stoppedherself from telling him to get the hell out of her sight. “Ihave to.”
Her phone rang justthen, and she plucked it out of her pocket in relief. “I haveto take this.”
With a wave of onehand, he gave his assent.
“I had to hearabout it from a cop buddy of mine. Was there an incident at theclinic last night? Someone died.”
“And you didnot think to call and let me know.”
“I was busy-”
“You hadMother, and I worried about you, Brooke. A little consideration wouldgo a long way.”
“If you wouldstop interrupting me, I could get a word in.” Taking a deepbreath and heading out of the room, she cradled the phone on hercheek and picked up the files she needed. “I cannot go intodetails-”
“I already knowthe details. Gary told me that this -this person bludgeoned a womanto death and brought her to be treated at the clinic. But it was toolate. Mother said she has been calling you.”
“I don’thave time to speak to her right now. If you call to check on me, I amfine and have patients waiting.”
“I am to letyou know that she wants to see you at the house later to assureherself that you are indeed okay.”
“I am notsure-”
“Make the time,Brooke.” With that, he hung up, leaving her with the absurdneed to stamp her foot in frustration. Since she had arrived, she hadnot given him a thought or the night they had spent together.Fortunately, he was not scheduled to be here for another few days.
Taking a breath, sheheaded into the fray of things.
Cooper slipped offthe surgical gloves and felt the weariness invading every part of hisbody. The patient would live even though twice he had almost losther. The fifteen-year-old would have a long way to go.
The accident had donea number on her, almost pulverizing her spine and breaking both herlegs. The internal damage had been extensive, and if she made itthrough the night, chances are that she would make a full recovery.
“Good job,doctor.” Dr. Malcolm told him quietly. They both recognized itwas not yet time to do a victory dance because it was still touch andgo. Then there were the parents to confront and tell them the newsthey would have to wait and see.
“Team effort,”he responded automatically as he headed out of the operating theatertoward where the parents were huddled in a waiting room, handsclasped together. That was the thing when your heart was involved, hethought. It paralyzes you when something happens to the ones youlove.
“Doctor?”They both rose slowly, a look of abject terror and anxiety on theirfaces.
“Terry made itthrough the operation.” He had taken off his skull cap andstuffed it into his pocket. “There has been extensive damage toher intestines, and we did manage to locate the source of thebleeding. She has a long way to go, but we watch throughout the nightto see what happens.”
“Are you sayingshe might not make it?” The woman’s voice was quavering,her light blue eyes dripping with tears.
Cooper hesitated.Since the start of his internship, he had made a vow to himself thathe would never give anyone false hope, and he had stuck to it. Nomatter how painful it was, he was going to be honest.